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Source file : lz77.adb

--  There are three LZ77 encoders at choice here:
--    1/  LZ77_using_LZHuf, based on LZHuf
--    2/  LZ77_using_IZ, based on Info-Zip's Zip's deflate.c which is
--          actually the LZ77 part of Zip's compression.
--    3/  LZ77_using_BT4, based on LZMA SDK's BT4 algorithm.
--  Variant 1/, LZ77_using_LZHuf, is working since 2009. Two problems: it is slow
--     and not well adapted to the Deflate format (mediocre compression).
--  Variant 2/, LZ77_using_IZ, is much faster, and better suited for Deflate.
--     It has been added on 05-Mar-2016.
--     The code is tailored and optimized for a single set of
--     the String_buffer_size, Look_Ahead, Threshold LZ77 parameters - those for Deflate.
--  Variant 3/, LZ77_using_BT4, was added on 06-Sep-2016.
--     The seems to be the best match finder for LZMA on data of the >= 1 MB scale.

--  To do:
--  2/
--    - LZ77 / IZ: similar to the test with TOO_FAR, try to cluster distances around
--        values needing less extra bits (may not work at all...)
--    - LZ77 / IZ: tune TOO_FAR (max: 32767), see
--        "TOO_FAR in zlib Is Not Too Far" for discussion

with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
with System;

package body LZ77 is

  --  System.Word_Size: 13.3(8): A word is the largest amount of storage
  --  that can be conveniently and efficiently manipulated by the hardware,
  --  given the implementation's run-time model.
  min_bits_32: constant:= Integer'Max(32, System.Word_Size);
  min_bits_16: constant:= Integer'Max(16, System.Word_Size);

  --  We define an Integer type which is at least 32 bits, but n bits
  --  on a native n (> 32) bits architecture (no performance hit on 64+
  --  bits architectures).
  --  Integer_M16 not needed: Integer already guarantees 16 bits
  type Integer_M32 is range -2**(min_bits_32-1) .. 2**(min_bits_32-1) - 1;
  subtype Natural_M32  is Integer_M32 range 0..Integer_M32'Last;

  type Unsigned_M16 is mod 2**min_bits_16;
  type Unsigned_M32 is mod 2**min_bits_32;

  procedure Encode is

    --  LZHuf algorithm  --

    procedure LZ77_using_LZHuf is
      --  Based on LZHUF by OKUMURA & YOSHIZAKI.
      --  Here the adaptive Huffman coding is thrown away:
      --  algorithm is used only to find matching patterns.

      N_Char    : constant Integer:= 256-Threshold+Look_Ahead;
      -- Character code (= 0..N_CHAR-1)
      Max_Table     : constant Integer:= N_Char*2-1;

      type Text_Buffer is array ( 0..String_buffer_size+Look_Ahead-1 ) of Byte;
      empty_buffer: constant Text_Buffer:= (others=> 32); -- ' '

      -- > The Huffman frequency handling is made generic so we have
      --   one copy of the tree and of the frequency table for Encode
      --   and one for Decode

      package Huffman is
        --- Pointing parent nodes.
        --- Area [Max_Table..(Max_Table + N_CHAR - 1)] are pointers for leaves
        Parent:  array ( 0..Max_Table+N_Char-1 ) of Natural;
        --- Pointing children nodes (son[], son[] + 1)
        Son   :  array ( 0..Max_Table-1 )  of Natural;

        Root_Position : constant Integer:= Max_Table-1; -- (can be always Son'last ?)

        procedure Start;
        procedure Update_Freq_Tree( C0: Natural );
      end Huffman;

      package body Huffman is

        Freq: array ( 0..Max_Table ) of Natural; -- Cumulative freq table

        Max_Freq: constant := 16#8000#;
        -- ^-- update when cumulative frequency reaches to this value

        procedure Start is
          I: Natural;
          for J in  0 .. N_Char-1  loop
            Freq(J):= 1;
            Son (J):= J + Max_Table;
            Parent(J + Max_Table):= J;
          end loop;

          I:= 0;
          for J in N_Char .. Root_Position  loop
            Freq(J):= Freq(I)+Freq(I+1);
            Son (J):= I;
            Parent(I):= J;
            Parent(I+1):= J;
            I:= I + 2;
          end loop;

          Freq( Freq'Last ):= 16#FFFF#; -- ( Max_Table )
          Parent( Root_Position ):= 0;
        end Start;

        procedure Update_Freq_Tree( C0: Natural ) is

          procedure Reconstruct_Freq_Tree is
            I,J,K,F,L: Natural;
            -- Halven cumulative freq for leaf nodes
            J:= 0;
            for I in 0 .. Root_Position loop
              if Son(I) >= Max_Table then
                Freq(J):= (Freq(I)+1) / 2;
                Son (J):= Son(I);
                J:= J + 1;
              end if;
            end loop;

            -- Make a tree : first, connect children nodes
            I:= 0;
            for J in N_Char .. Root_Position loop -- J : free nodes
              K:= I+1;
              F:= Freq(I) + Freq(K); -- new frequency
              Freq(J):= F;
              K:= J-1;
              while F < Freq(K) loop
                K:= K-1;
              end loop;

              K:= K+1;
              L:= J-K; -- 2007: fix: was L:= (J-K)*2, memcopy parameter remain

              Freq( K+1 .. K+L ):= Freq( K .. K+L-1 ); -- shift by one cell right
              Freq(K):= F;
              Son ( K+1 .. K+L ):= Son ( K .. K+L-1 ); -- shift by one cell right
              Son (K):= I;
              I:= I + 2;
            end loop;

            -- Connect parent nodes
            for I in 0 .. Max_Table-1 loop
              K:= Son(I);
              Parent(K):= I;
              if K < Max_Table then
                Parent(K+1):= I;
              end if;
            end loop;

          end Reconstruct_Freq_Tree;

          C,I,J,K,L: Natural;

        begin -- Update_Freq_Tree;
          if Freq( Root_Position ) = Max_Freq then
          end if;
          C:= Parent(C0 + Max_Table);
            Freq(C):= Freq(C) + 1;
            K:= Freq(C);
            -- Swap nodes to keep the tree freq-ordered
            L:= C+1;
            if  K > Freq(L) then
              while K > Freq(L+1) loop
                L:= L + 1;
              end loop;

              Freq(C):= Freq(L);
              Freq(L):= K;

              I:= Son(C);
              Parent(I):= L;
              if I < Max_Table then
                Parent(I+1):= L;
              end if;

              J:= Son(L);
              Son(L):= I;

              Parent(J):= C;
              if J < Max_Table then
                Parent(J+1):= C;
              end if;
              Son(C):= J;

              C := L;
            end if;
            C:= Parent(C);
            exit when C=0;
          end loop;        -- do it until reaching the root
        end Update_Freq_Tree;

      end Huffman;

      Node_Nil : constant Integer:= String_buffer_size;    -- End of tree's node

      Lson,Dad:  array ( 0..String_buffer_size       ) of Natural;
      Rson:      array ( 0..String_buffer_size + 256 ) of Natural;

      procedure Init_Tree is
        for I in String_buffer_size+1 .. Rson'Last loop
          Rson(I) := Node_Nil;
        end loop; -- root
        for I in 0 .. String_buffer_size-1 loop
          Dad(I)  := Node_Nil;
        end loop; -- node
      end Init_Tree;

      Match_Position : Natural;
      Match_Length   : Natural;

      Text_Buf: Text_Buffer:= empty_buffer;

      procedure Insert_Node (R: Integer) is
        I,P: Integer;
        Geq: Boolean:= True;
        C:   Natural;
        P:= String_buffer_size + 1 + Integer(Text_Buf(R));
        Rson(R):= Node_Nil;
        Lson(R):= Node_Nil;
        Match_Length := 0;
          if Geq then
            if Rson(P) = Node_Nil then
              Rson(P):= R;
              Dad(R) := P;
            end if;
            P:= Rson(P);
            if Lson(P) = Node_Nil then
              Lson(P):= R;
              Dad(R) := P;
            end if;
            P:= Lson(P);
          end if;
          I:= 1;
          while I < Look_Ahead and then Text_Buf(R+I) = Text_Buf(P+I)  loop
            I:= I + 1;
          end loop;

          Geq:= Text_Buf(R+I) >= Text_Buf(P+I) or I = Look_Ahead;

          if I > Threshold then
            if I > Match_Length then
              Match_Position := (R-P) mod String_buffer_size - 1;
              Match_Length:= I;
              exit when Match_Length >= Look_Ahead;
            end if;
            if I = Match_Length then
              C:= (R-P) mod String_buffer_size - 1;
              if C < Match_Position then
                Match_Position:= C;
              end if;
            end if;
          end if;
        end loop;

        Dad (R):= Dad (P);
        Lson(R):= Lson(P);
        Rson(R):= Rson(P);
        Dad(Lson(P)):= R;
        Dad(Rson(P)):= R;
        if Rson(Dad(P)) = P then
          Rson(Dad(P)):= R;
          Lson(Dad(P)):= R;
        end if;
        Dad(P):= Node_Nil; -- remove P
      end Insert_Node;

      procedure Delete_Node (P: Natural) is
        Q: Natural;
        if Dad(P) = Node_Nil then  -- unregistered
        end if;
        if    Rson(P) = Node_Nil then
          Q:= Lson(P);
        elsif Lson(P) = Node_Nil then
          Q:= Rson(P);
          Q:= Lson(P);
          if Rson(Q) /= Node_Nil then
              Q:= Rson(Q);
              exit when Rson(Q) = Node_Nil;
            end loop;
            Rson(Dad(Q)):= Lson(Q);
            Dad(Lson(Q)):= Dad(Q);
            Lson(Q):= Lson(P);
            Dad(Lson(P)):= Q;
          end if;
          Rson(Q):= Rson(P);
          Dad(Rson(P)):= Q;
        end if;
        Dad(Q):= Dad(P);
        if Rson(Dad(P))=P then
          Rson(Dad(P)):= Q;
          Lson(Dad(P)):= Q;
        end if;
        Dad(P):= Node_Nil;
      end Delete_Node;

      package Huffman_E is new Huffman;

      I,R,S,Last_Match_Length: Natural;
      Len: Integer;
      C: Byte;
      if not More_bytes then
      end if;
      S:= 0;
      R:= String_buffer_size - Look_Ahead;
      Len:= 0;
      while Len < Look_Ahead and More_bytes loop
        Text_Buf(R+Len):= Read_byte;
        Len:= Len + 1;
      end loop;

      --  Seems: fill dictionary with default value
      --  for I in 1.. Look_Ahead loop
      --    Insert_Node(R - I);
      --  end loop;


        if Match_Length > Len then
          Match_Length:= Len;
        end if;
        if Match_Length <= Threshold then
          Match_Length := 1;
          Huffman_E.Update_Freq_Tree( Natural(Text_Buf(R)) );
          Write_literal( Text_Buf(R) );
          Write_DL_code(Match_Position+1, Match_Length);
        end if;
        Last_Match_Length := Match_Length;
        I:= 0;
        while I < Last_Match_Length and More_bytes loop
          I:= I + 1;
          C:= Read_byte;
          Text_Buf(S):= C;
          if  S < Look_Ahead-1 then
            Text_Buf(S+String_buffer_size):= C;
          end if;
          S:= (S+1) mod String_buffer_size;
          R:= (R+1) mod String_buffer_size;
        end loop;

        while I < Last_Match_Length loop
          I:= I + 1;
          S := (S+1) mod String_buffer_size;
          R := (R+1) mod String_buffer_size;
          Len:= Len - 1;
          if Len > 0 then
          end if;
        end loop;

        exit when Len=0;
      end loop;
    end LZ77_using_LZHuf;

    --  Info-Zip algorithm  --

    --  LZ77_using_IZ: based on deflate.c by Jean-Loup Gailly.
    --  Core description of the algorithm:
    --     The most straightforward technique turns out to be the fastest for
    --     most input files: try all possible matches and select the longest.
    --     The key feature of this algorithm is that insertions into the string
    --     dictionary are very simple and thus fast, and deletions are avoided
    --     completely. Insertions are performed at each input character, whereas
    --     string matches are performed only when the previous match ends. So it
    --     is preferable to spend more time in matches to allow very fast string
    --     insertions and avoid deletions. The matching algorithm for small
    --     strings is inspired from that of Rabin & Karp [1]. A brute force approach
    --     is used to find longer strings when a small match has been found.
    --     The idea of lazy evaluation of matches is due to Jan-Mark Wams.
    --     [1] A description of the Rabin and Karp algorithm is given in the book
    --         "Algorithms" by R. Sedgewick, Addison-Wesley, p252.
    --  About hashing: chapter 6.4 of The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3, D.E. Knuth
    --  Rabin and Karp algorithm:

    --  Compression level: 0: store, 1: best speed, 9: best compression, 10: variant of level 9
    --  Ada code: only levels 4 to 10 are supported.

    procedure LZ77_using_IZ(level: Natural) is
      HASH_BITS: constant:= 15;  --  13..15
      HASH_SIZE: constant:= 2 ** HASH_BITS;
      HASH_MASK: constant:= HASH_SIZE - 1;
      WSIZE    : constant Integer_M32:= Integer_M32(String_buffer_size);
      WMASK    : constant Unsigned_M16:= Unsigned_M16(WSIZE - 1);
      --  HASH_SIZE and WSIZE must be powers of two
      NIL      : constant:= 0;  --  Tail of hash chains
      TOO_FAR  : constant:= 4096;  --  Matches of length 3 are discarded if their distance exceeds TOO_FAR
      subtype ulg is Unsigned_M32;
      subtype unsigned is Unsigned_M16;
      subtype ush is Unsigned_M16;
      --  subtype long is Integer_M32;
      --  subtype int is Integer;
      subtype Pos is Unsigned_M32;  --  must be at least 32 bits
      --  subtype IPos is unsigned;
      --  A Pos is an index in the character window. IPos is used only for parameter passing.
      window: array(0 .. 2 * WSIZE - 1) of Byte;
      --  Sliding window. Input bytes are read into the second half of the window,
      --  and move to the first half later to keep a dictionary of at least WSIZE
      --  bytes. With this organization, matches are limited to a distance of
      --  WSIZE-MAX_MATCH bytes, but this ensures that IO is always
      --  performed with a length multiple of the block size.
      prev: array(0..unsigned(WSIZE - 1)) of Pos;
      --  Link to older string with same hash index.
      --  This link is maintained only for the last 32K strings.
      --  An index in this array is thus a window index modulo 32K.
      head: array(0..unsigned(HASH_SIZE - 1)) of Pos;
      --  Heads of the hash chains or NIL.
      window_size: ulg;
      --  window size, 2*WSIZE except for MMAP or BIG_MEM, where it is the
      --  input file length plus MIN_LOOKAHEAD.
      sliding: Boolean;  --  Set to False when the input file is already in memory  [was: int]
      ins_h: unsigned;   --  hash index of string to be inserted
      MIN_MATCH: constant Integer_M32:= Integer_M32(Threshold) + 1;  --  Deflate: 3
      MAX_MATCH: constant Integer_M32:= Integer_M32(Look_Ahead);     --  Deflate: 258
      --  Minimum amount of lookahead, except at the end of the input file.
      MIN_LOOKAHEAD: constant Integer_M32:= MAX_MATCH + MIN_MATCH + 1;  --  Deflate: 262
      --  This LZ77 compression doesn't use the full possible distance range: 32507..32768 unused!
      MAX_DIST : constant Integer_M32:= WSIZE - MIN_LOOKAHEAD;  --  Deflate: 32506
      H_SHIFT: constant Integer:= Integer((HASH_BITS + MIN_MATCH - 1) / MIN_MATCH);
      --  Number of bits by which ins_h and del_h must be shifted at each
      --  input step. It must be such that after MIN_MATCH steps, the oldest
      --  byte no longer takes part in the hash key, that is:
      prev_length: Natural_M32; --  [was: unsigned]
      --  Length of the best match at previous step. Matches not greater than this
      --  are discarded. This is used in the lazy match evaluation.
      strstart   : Natural_M32;   --  start of string to insert [was: unsigned]
      match_start: Natural_M32;   --  start of matching string [was: unsigned]
      eofile     : Boolean;       --  flag set at end of input file [was: int]
      lookahead  : Natural_M32;   --  number of valid bytes ahead in window  [was: unsigned]
      max_chain_length : unsigned;
      --  To speed up deflation, hash chains are never searched beyond this length.
      --  A higher limit improves compression ratio but degrades the speed.
      max_lazy_match: Natural_M32;  --  [was: unsigned]
      --  Attempt to find a better match only when the current match is strictly
      --  smaller than this value. This mechanism is used only for compression
      --  levels >= 4.
      good_match: Natural_M32;  --  [was: unsigned]
      --  Use a faster search when the previous match is longer than this
      nice_match: Integer_M32;  --  Stop searching when current match exceeds this
      --  Values for max_lazy_match, good_match, nice_match and max_chain_length,
      --  depending on the desired pack level (0..9). The values given below have
      --  been tuned to exclude worst case performance for pathological files.
      --  Better values may be found for specific files.
      type config is record
        good_length  : Natural_M32;  --  reduce lazy search above this match length [was: ush]
        max_lazy     : Natural_M32;  --  do not perform lazy search above this match length
        nice_length  : Integer_M32;  --  quit search above this match length
        max_chain    : ush;
      end record;

      configuration_table: constant array(0..10) of config:= (
      --  good lazy nice chain
          (0,    0,  0,    0),    --  0: store only
          (4,    4,  8,    4),    --  1: maximum speed, no lazy matches
          (4,    5, 16,    8),
          (4,    6, 32,   32),
          (4,    4, 16,   16),    --  4: lazy matches
          (8,   16, 32,   32),
          (8,   16, 128, 128),
          (8,   32, 128, 256),
          (32, 128, 258, 1024),
          (32, 258, 258, 4096),   --  9: maximum compression
          (34, 258, 258, 4096));  --  "secret" variant of level 9

      --  Update a hash value with the given input byte
      --  IN  assertion: all calls to to UPDATE_HASH are made with consecutive
      --     input characters, so that a running hash key can be computed from the
      --     previous key instead of complete recalculation each time.

      procedure UPDATE_HASH(h: in out unsigned; c: Byte) is
      pragma Inline(UPDATE_HASH);
        h := (unsigned(Shift_Left(Unsigned_32(h), H_SHIFT)) xor unsigned(c)) and HASH_MASK;
      end UPDATE_HASH;

      --  Insert string starting at s in the dictionary and set match_head to the previous head
      --  of the hash chain (the most recent string with same hash key). Return
      --  the previous length of the hash chain.
      --  IN  assertion: all calls to to INSERT_STRING are made with consecutive
      --     input characters and the first MIN_MATCH bytes of s are valid
      --     (except for the last MIN_MATCH-1 bytes of the input file).

      procedure INSERT_STRING(s: Integer_M32; match_head: out Natural_M32) is
      pragma Inline(INSERT_STRING);
        UPDATE_HASH(ins_h, window(s + MIN_MATCH - 1));
        match_head := Natural_M32(head(ins_h));
        prev(unsigned(s) and WMASK):= Pos(match_head);
        head(ins_h) := Pos(s);
      end INSERT_STRING;

      procedure Read_buf(from: Integer_M32; amount: unsigned; actual: out Integer_M32) is
        need: unsigned:= amount;
        --  put_line("Read buffer: from:" & from'img & ";  amount:" & amount'img);
        actual:= 0;
        while need > 0 and then More_bytes loop
          window(from + actual):= Read_byte;
          actual:= actual + 1;
          need:= need - 1;
        end loop;
        --  put_line("Read buffer: actual:" & actual'img);
      end Read_buf;

      --  Fill the window when the lookahead becomes insufficient.
      --  Updates strstart and lookahead, and sets eofile if end of input file.
      --  IN assertion: lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD && strstart + lookahead > 0
      --  OUT assertions: strstart <= window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD
      --     At least one byte has been read, or eofile is set; file reads are
      --     performed for at least two bytes (required for the translate_eol option).

      procedure Fill_window is
        more: unsigned;
        m: Pos;
        n: Natural_M32;
          more:= unsigned(window_size - ulg(lookahead) - ulg(strstart));
          if False then  --  C: "if (more == (unsigned)EOF) {" ?... GdM: seems a 16-bit code for EOF
            --  Very unlikely, but possible on 16 bit machine if strstart == 0
            --  and lookahead == 1 (input done one byte at time)
            more:= more - 1;
          elsif strstart >= WSIZE + MAX_DIST and then sliding then
            --  By the IN assertion, the window is not empty so we can't confuse
            --  more == 0 with more == 64K on a 16 bit machine.
            window(0 .. WSIZE - 1):= window(WSIZE .. 2 * WSIZE - 1);
            --  GdM: in rare cases (e.g. level 9 on test file "enwik8"), match_start happens
            --  to be < WSIZE. We do as in the original 16-bit C code: mod 2**16, such that the
            --  index is the window's range.
            --  This assumes WSIZE = 2**15, which is checked at startup of LZ77_using_IZ.
            --  Very likely, match_start is garbage anyway - see
            match_start := Natural_M32( Unsigned_16(match_start) - Unsigned_16(WSIZE mod (2**16)) );
            strstart    := strstart - WSIZE; -- we now have strstart >= MAX_DIST:
            for nn in 0 .. unsigned'(HASH_SIZE - 1) loop
              m := head(nn);
              if m >= Pos(WSIZE) then
                head(nn) := m - Pos(WSIZE);
                head(nn) := NIL;
              end if;
            end loop;
            for nn in 0 .. unsigned(WSIZE - 1) loop
              m := prev(nn);
              if m >= Pos(WSIZE) then
                prev(nn) := m - Pos(WSIZE);
                prev(nn) := NIL;
              end if;
              --  If n is not on any hash chain, prev[n] is garbage but its value will never be used.
            end loop;
            more:= more + unsigned(WSIZE);
          end if;
          exit when eofile;
          --  If there was no sliding:
          --     strstart <= WSIZE+MAX_DIST-1 && lookahead <= MIN_LOOKAHEAD - 1 &&
          --     more == window_size - lookahead - strstart
          --  => more >= window_size - (MIN_LOOKAHEAD-1 + WSIZE + MAX_DIST-1)
          --  => more >= window_size - 2*WSIZE + 2
          --  In the MMAP or BIG_MEM case (not yet supported in gzip),
          --    window_size == input_size + MIN_LOOKAHEAD  &&
          --    strstart + lookahead <= input_size => more >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD.
          --  Otherwise, window_size == 2*WSIZE so more >= 2.
          --  If there was sliding, more >= WSIZE. So in all cases, more >= 2.
          --  Assert(more >= 2, "more < 2");
          Read_buf(strstart + lookahead, more, n);
          if n = 0 then
            eofile := True;
            lookahead := lookahead + n;
          end if;
          exit when lookahead >= MIN_LOOKAHEAD or eofile;
        end loop;
        --  put_line("Fill done - eofile = " & eofile'img);
      end Fill_window;

      --  Initialize the "longest match" routines for a new file
      --  IN assertion: window_size is > 0 if the input file is already read or
      --     mapped in the window array, 0 otherwise. In the first case,
      --     window_size is sufficient to contain the whole input file plus
      --     MIN_LOOKAHEAD bytes (to avoid referencing memory beyond the end
      --     of window when looking for matches towards the end).

      procedure LM_Init (pack_level: Natural) is
        --  Do not slide the window if the whole input is already in memory (window_size > 0)
        sliding := False;
        if window_size = 0 then
          sliding := True;
          window_size := 2 * ulg(WSIZE);
        end if;
        --  Initialize the hash table.
        --  prev will be initialized on the fly.
        head:= (others => NIL);
        --  Set the default configuration parameters:
        max_lazy_match   := configuration_table(pack_level).max_lazy;
        good_match       := configuration_table(pack_level).good_length;
        nice_match       := configuration_table(pack_level).nice_length;
        max_chain_length := configuration_table(pack_level).max_chain;
        --  Info-Zip comment: ??? reduce max_chain_length for binary files
        strstart := 0;
        Read_buf(0, unsigned(WSIZE), lookahead);
        if lookahead = 0 then
          eofile := True;
        end if;
        eofile := False;
        --  Make sure that we always have enough lookahead. This is important
        --  if input comes from a device such as a tty.
        if lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD then
        end if;
        ins_h := 0;
        for j in 0 .. Natural_M32(MIN_MATCH)-2 loop
          UPDATE_HASH(ins_h, window(j));
        end loop;
        --  If lookahead < MIN_MATCH, ins_h is garbage, but this is
        --  not important since only literal bytes will be emitted.
      end LM_Init;

      --  Set match_start to the longest match starting at the given string and
      --  return its length. Matches shorter or equal to prev_length are discarded,
      --  in which case the result is equal to prev_length and match_start is
      --  garbage.
      --  IN assertions: current_match is the head of the hash chain for the current
      --    string (strstart) and its distance is <= MAX_DIST, and prev_length >= 1

      procedure Longest_Match(current_match: in out Integer_M32; longest: out Integer_M32) is
        chain_length : unsigned := max_chain_length;  --  max hash chain length
        scan         : Integer_M32 := strstart;       --  current string
        match        : Integer_M32;                   --  matched string
        len          : Integer_M32;                   --  length of current match
        best_len     : Integer_M32 := prev_length;    --  best match length so far
        limit        : Natural_M32;  --  [was: IPos]
        strend       : constant Integer_M32:= strstart + MAX_MATCH;
        scan_end     : Integer_M32:= scan + best_len;
        --  Stop when current_match becomes <= limit. To simplify the code,
        --  we prevent matches with the string of window index 0.
        if strstart > MAX_DIST then
          limit:= strstart - MAX_DIST;
          limit:= NIL;
        end if;
        --  Do not waste too much time if we already have a good match:
        if prev_length >= good_match then
          chain_length := chain_length / 4;
        end if;
        --  Assert(strstart <= window_size-MIN_LOOKAHEAD, "insufficient lookahead");
          --  Assert(current_match < strstart, "no future");
          match := current_match;
          --  Skip to next match if the match length cannot increase
          --  or if the match length is less than 2:
          --  NB: this is the Not-UNALIGNED_OK variant in the C code.
          --      Translation of the UNALIGNED_OK variant is left as an exercise ;-).
          --      (!! worth a try: GNAT optimizes window(match..match+1[3]) to 16[32] bit)
          if window(match + best_len)     /= window(scan_end) or else
             window(match + best_len - 1) /= window(scan_end - 1) or else
             window(match)                /= window(scan) or else
             window(match + 1)            /= window(scan + 1)
            match:= match + 1;  --  C: continue
            --  The check at best_len - 1 can be removed because it will be made
            --  again later. (This heuristic is not always a win.)
            --  It is not necessary to compare window(scan + 2) and window(match + 2) since they
            --  are always equal when the other bytes match, given that
            --  the hash keys are equal and that HASH_BITS >= 8.
            scan:= scan + 2;
            match:= match + 2;
            --  C: The code is optimized for HASH_BITS >= 8 and MAX_MATCH-2 multiple of 16.
            --     It is easy to get rid of this optimization if necessary.
            --  Ada: see the "else" part below.
            if MAX_MATCH = 258 then
              --  We check for insufficient lookahead only every 8th comparison;
              --  the 256th check will be made at strstart + 258.
                scan:= scan + 1;
                match:= match + 1;
                exit when window(scan) /= window(match);
                scan:= scan + 1;
                match:= match + 1;
                exit when window(scan) /= window(match);
                scan:= scan + 1;
                match:= match + 1;
                exit when window(scan) /= window(match);
                scan:= scan + 1;
                match:= match + 1;
                exit when window(scan) /= window(match);
                scan:= scan + 1;
                match:= match + 1;
                exit when window(scan) /= window(match);
                scan:= scan + 1;
                match:= match + 1;
                exit when window(scan) /= window(match);
                scan:= scan + 1;
                match:= match + 1;
                exit when window(scan) /= window(match);
                scan:= scan + 1;
                match:= match + 1;
                exit when window(scan) /= window(match) or else scan >= strend;
              end loop;
              --  We check for insufficient lookahead after every comparison.
                scan:= scan + 1;
                match:= match + 1;
                exit when window(scan) /= window(match) or else scan >= strend;
              end loop;
            end if;
            --  Assert(scan <= window+(unsigned)(window_size-1), "wild scan");
            len := MAX_MATCH - (strend - scan);
            scan := strend - MAX_MATCH;
            if len > best_len then
              match_start := current_match;
              best_len := len;
              exit when len >= nice_match;
              scan_end  := scan + best_len;
            end if;
          end if;
          current_match := Integer_M32(prev(unsigned(current_match) and WMASK));
          exit when current_match <= limit;
          chain_length:= chain_length - 1;
          exit when chain_length = 0;
        end loop;
        longest:= best_len;
      end Longest_Match;

      procedure LZ77_part_of_IZ_Deflate is
        hash_head : Natural_M32:= NIL;              --  head of hash chain
        prev_match: Natural_M32;                    --  previous match  [was: IPos]
        match_available: Boolean:= False;           --  set if previous match exists
        match_length: Natural_M32:= MIN_MATCH - 1;  --  length of best match
        max_insert: Natural_M32;
        match_start:= 0;  --  NB: no initialization in deflate.c
        --  NB: level <= 3 would call deflate_fast;
        --  Process the input block.
        while lookahead /= 0 loop
          --  Insert the string window(strstart .. strstart + 2) in the
          --  dictionary, and set hash_head to the head of the hash chain:
          if lookahead >= MIN_MATCH then
            INSERT_STRING(strstart, hash_head);
          end if;
          --  Find the longest match, discarding those <= prev_length.
          prev_length  := match_length;
          prev_match   := match_start;
          match_length := MIN_MATCH - 1;
          if hash_head /= NIL and then
             prev_length < max_lazy_match and then
             strstart - hash_head <= MAX_DIST
            --  To simplify the code, we prevent matches with the string
            --  of window index 0 (in particular we have to avoid a match
            --  of the string with itself at the start of the input file).
            --  Do not look for matches beyond the end of the input.
            --  This is necessary to make deflate deterministic.
            if nice_match > lookahead then
              nice_match := lookahead;
            end if;
            Longest_Match(hash_head, match_length);
            --  Longest_Match sets match_start
            if match_length > lookahead then
              match_length := lookahead;
            end if;
            --  Ignore a length 3 match if it is too distant:
            if match_length = MIN_MATCH and then strstart - match_start > TOO_FAR then
              --  If prev_match is also MIN_MATCH, match_start is garbage
              --  but we will ignore the current match anyway.
              match_length := MIN_MATCH - 1;
            end if;
          end if;
          --  If there was a match at the previous step and the current
          --  match is not better, output the previous match:
          if prev_length >= MIN_MATCH and then match_length <= prev_length then
            max_insert:= strstart + lookahead - MIN_MATCH;
            --  C: in DEBUG mode: check_match(strstart-1, prev_match, prev_length);
            --  Output a Distance-Length code --
            Write_DL_code(Positive(strstart - 1 - prev_match), Positive(prev_length));
            --  Insert in hash table all strings up to the end of the match.
            --  strstart-1 and strstart are already inserted.
            lookahead := lookahead - (prev_length-1);
            prev_length := prev_length - 2;
              strstart:= strstart + 1;
              if strstart <= max_insert then
                INSERT_STRING(strstart, hash_head);
                --  strstart never exceeds WSIZE - MAX_MATCH, so there
                --  are always MIN_MATCH bytes ahead.
              end if;
              prev_length:= prev_length - 1;
              exit when prev_length = 0;
            end loop;
            strstart:= strstart + 1;
            match_available := False;
            match_length := MIN_MATCH - 1;
          elsif match_available then
            --  If there was no match at the previous position, output a
            --  single literal. If there was a match but the current match
            --  is longer, truncate the previous match to a single literal.
            --  Output a literal  --
            strstart:= strstart + 1;
            lookahead := lookahead - 1;
            --  There is no previous match to compare with, wait for the next step to decide.
            match_available := True;
            strstart:= strstart + 1;
            lookahead := lookahead - 1;
          end if;
          --  Assert(strstart <= isize && lookahead <= isize, "a bit too far");
          --  Make sure that we always have enough lookahead, except
          --  at the end of the input file. We need MAX_MATCH bytes
          --  for the next match, plus MIN_MATCH bytes to insert the
          --  string following the next match.
          if lookahead < MIN_LOOKAHEAD then
          end if;
        end loop;
        --  Output last literal, if any  --
        if match_available then
        end if;
      end LZ77_part_of_IZ_Deflate;

      Code_too_clever: exception;
      if Look_Ahead /= 258 or String_buffer_size /= 2 ** 15 or Threshold /= 2 then
        raise Code_too_clever;  --  was optimized for these parameters
      end if;
      window_size:= 0;
    end LZ77_using_IZ;

    --  BT4  -  Binary tree of match positions selected with           --
    --          the leading 2 to 4 bytes of each possible match.       --

    --  Based on by Lasse Collin, itself based on LzFind.c by Igor Pavlov.

    procedure LZ77_using_BT4 is
      MATCH_LEN_MIN: constant Integer:= Threshold + 1;
      readPos     : Integer := -1;
      cur_literal : Byte;
      readLimit   : Integer := -1;
      finishing   : constant Boolean := False;
      writePos    : Integer :=  0;
      pendingSize : Integer :=  0;
      OPTS : constant := 4096;
      EXTRA_SIZE_BEFORE : constant :=  OPTS;
      EXTRA_SIZE_AFTER  : constant :=  OPTS;

      keepSizeBefore : constant Integer:= EXTRA_SIZE_BEFORE + String_buffer_size;
      keepSizeAfter  : constant Integer:= EXTRA_SIZE_AFTER  + Look_Ahead;
      reserveSize : constant Integer:=
          String_buffer_size / 2 +
          256 * (2 ** 10),  --  256 KB
          512 * (2 ** 20)   --  512 MB
      getBufSize: constant Integer:= keepSizeBefore + keepSizeAfter + reserveSize;

      type Int_array is array(Natural range <>) of Integer;
      type p_Int_array is access Int_array;
      procedure Dispose is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Int_array, p_Int_array);

      procedure Normalize(positions: in out Int_array; normalizationOffset: Integer) is
        for i in 0 .. positions'Length - 1 loop
          if positions(i) <= normalizationOffset then
            positions(i) := 0;
            positions(i) := positions(i) - normalizationOffset;
          end if;
        end loop;
      end Normalize;

      function getAvail return Integer is
      pragma Inline(getAvail);
         --  !! - 1 added for getting readPos in buf'Range upon: cur_literal:= buf(readPos);
        return writePos - readPos - 1;
      end getAvail;

      function movePos(requiredForFlushing, requiredForFinishing: Integer) return Integer is
        avail: Integer;
        --  assert requiredForFlushing >= requiredForFinishing;
        readPos := readPos + 1;
        avail   := getAvail;
        if avail < requiredForFlushing then
          if avail < requiredForFinishing or else not finishing
            pendingSize:= pendingSize + 1;
            --  GdM: this causes cyclicPos and lzpos not being in sync with readPos,
            --       the pendingSize value is there for catching up.
            avail := 0;
          end if;
        end if;
        return avail;
      end movePos;

      function getHash4Size return Integer is
        h : Unsigned_32:= Unsigned_32(String_buffer_size - 1);
        h:= h or Shift_Right(h, 1);
        h:= h or Shift_Right(h, 2);
        h:= h or Shift_Right(h, 4);
        h:= h or Shift_Right(h, 8);
        h:= Shift_Right(h, 1);
        h:= h or 16#FFFF#;  --  LzFind.c: "don't change it! It's required for Deflate"
        if h > 2 ** 24 then
          h:= Shift_Right(h, 1);
        end if;
        return Integer(h + 1);
      end getHash4Size;

      type Byte_array is array(Natural range <>) of Byte;
      type p_Byte_array is access Byte_array;
      procedure Dispose is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Byte_array, p_Byte_array);

      package Hash234 is
        HASH_2_SIZE : constant := 2 ** 10;
        HASH_2_MASK : constant := HASH_2_SIZE - 1;
        HASH_3_SIZE : constant := 2 ** 16;
        HASH_3_MASK : constant := HASH_3_SIZE - 1;
        hash_4_size : constant Integer:= getHash4Size;
        hash_4_mask : constant Unsigned_32:= Unsigned_32(hash_4_size) - 1;
        hash2Table: Int_array(0..HASH_2_SIZE-1) := (others => 0);  --  !! initialization added
        hash3Table: Int_array(0..HASH_3_SIZE-1) := (others => 0);  --  !! initialization added
        hash4Table: p_Int_array;
        hash2Value, hash3Value, hash4Value: Unsigned_32:= 0;
        procedure calcHashes(buf: Byte_array; off: Integer);
        procedure updateTables(pos: Integer);
        procedure Normalize(normalizeOffset: Integer);
      end Hash234;

      package body Hash234 is

        crcTable: array(Byte) of Unsigned_32;
        CRC32_POLY: constant:= 16#EDB8_8320#;

        procedure calcHashes(buf: Byte_array; off: Integer) is
          temp: Unsigned_32 := crcTable(buf(off)) xor Unsigned_32(buf(off + 1));
          hash2Value := temp and HASH_2_MASK;
          temp:= temp xor Shift_Left(Unsigned_32(buf(off + 2)), 8);
          hash3Value := temp and HASH_3_MASK;
          temp:= temp xor Shift_Left(crcTable(buf(off + 3)), 5);
          hash4Value := temp and hash_4_mask;
        end calcHashes;

        procedure updateTables(pos: Integer) is
          hash2Table(Integer(hash2Value)) := pos;
          hash3Table(Integer(hash3Value)) := pos;
          hash4Table(Integer(hash4Value)) := pos;
        end updateTables;

        procedure Normalize(normalizeOffset: Integer) is
          Normalize(hash2Table, normalizeOffset);
          Normalize(hash3Table, normalizeOffset);
          Normalize(hash4Table.all, normalizeOffset);
        end Normalize;

        r: Unsigned_32;
        --  NB: heap allocation used only for convenience because of
        --      small default stack sizes on some compilers.
        hash4Table:= new Int_array(0..hash_4_size-1);
        hash4Table.all:= (others => 0);  --  !! initialization added
        for i in Byte loop
          r:= Unsigned_32(i);
          for j in 0 .. 7 loop
            if (r and 1) = 0 then
              r:= Shift_Right(r, 1);
              r:= Shift_Right(r, 1) xor CRC32_POLY;
            end if;
          end loop;
          crcTable(i) := r;
        end loop;
      end Hash234;

      niceLen: constant Integer:= Integer'Min(162, Look_Ahead);  --  const. was 64
      depthLimit: constant:= 48;  --  Alternatively: 16 + niceLen / 2

      --  !! nicer: unconstr. array of (dist, len) pairs, 1-based array.

      type Any_Matches_type(countMax: Integer) is record
        count: Integer:= 0;
        len  : Int_array(0 .. countMax);
        dist : Int_array(0 .. countMax);
      end record;

      --  Subtracting 1 because the shortest match that this match
      --  finder can find is 2 bytes, so there's no need to reserve
      --  space for one-byte matches.
      subtype Matches_type is Any_Matches_type(niceLen - 1);

      cyclicSize : constant Integer := String_buffer_size;  --  Had: + 1;
      cyclicPos  : Integer := -1;
      lzPos      : Integer := cyclicSize;

      max_dist: constant Integer:= cyclicSize;

      package BT4 is
        function movePos return Integer;
        procedure skip_update_tree(niceLenLimit: Integer; currentMatch: in out Integer);
        procedure skip(len: Natural);
        pragma Inline(skip);
        function getMatches return Matches_type;
      end BT4;

      buf : p_Byte_array;
      tree : p_Int_array;

      package body BT4 is

        function movePos return Integer is
          avail : constant Integer:= movePos(requiredForFlushing => niceLen, requiredForFinishing => 4);
          normalizationOffset: Integer;
          --  Put_Line("BT4_movePos");
          if avail /= 0 then
            lzPos:= lzPos + 1;
            if lzPos = Integer'Last then
              normalizationOffset := Integer'Last - cyclicSize;
              Normalize(tree.all, normalizationOffset);
              lzPos:= lzPos - normalizationOffset;
            end if;
            cyclicPos:= cyclicPos + 1;
            if cyclicPos = cyclicSize then
              --  Put_Line("cyclicPos zeroed");
              cyclicPos := 0;
            end if;
          end if;
          return avail;
        end movePos;

        Null_position: constant:= -1;  --  LzFind.c: kEmptyHashValue, 0

        procedure skip_update_tree(niceLenLimit: Integer; currentMatch: in out Integer) is
          delta0, depth, ptr0, ptr1, pair, len, len0, len1: Integer;
          --  Put("BT4.skip_update_tree... ");
          depth := depthLimit;
          ptr0  := cyclicPos * 2 + 1;
          ptr1  := cyclicPos * 2;
          len0  := 0;
          len1  := 0;
            delta0 := lzPos - currentMatch;
            if depth = 0 or else delta0 >= max_dist then
              tree(ptr0) := Null_position;
              tree(ptr1) := Null_position;
            end if;
            depth:= depth - 1;
            if cyclicPos - delta0 < 0 then
              pair:= cyclicSize;
              pair:= 0;
            end if;
            pair := (cyclicPos - delta0 + pair) * 2;
            len  := Integer'Min(len0, len1);
            --  Match ?
            if buf(readPos + len - delta0) = buf(readPos + len) then
              --  No need to look for longer matches than niceLenLimit
              --  because we only are updating the tree, not returning
              --  matches found to the caller.
                len:= len + 1;
                if len = niceLenLimit then
                  tree(ptr1) := tree(pair);
                  tree(ptr0) := tree(pair + 1);
                end if;
                exit when buf(readPos + len - delta0) /= buf(readPos + len);
              end loop;
            end if;
            --  Bytes are no more matching. The past value is either smaller...
            if buf(readPos + len - delta0) < buf(readPos + len) then
              tree(ptr1) := currentMatch;
              ptr1 := pair + 1;
              currentMatch := tree(ptr1);
              len1 := len;
            else  --  ... or larger
              tree(ptr0) := currentMatch;
              ptr0 := pair;
              currentMatch := tree(ptr0);
              len0 := len;
            end if;
          end loop;
        end skip_update_tree;

        procedure skip(len: Natural) is
          procedure Skip_one is
          pragma Inline(Skip_one);
            niceLenLimit, avail, currentMatch: Integer;
            niceLenLimit := niceLen;
            avail := movePos;
            if avail < niceLenLimit then
              if avail = 0 then
              end if;
              niceLenLimit := avail;
            end if;
            Hash234.calcHashes(buf.all, readPos);
            currentMatch := Hash234.hash4Table (Integer(Hash234.hash4Value));
            skip_update_tree(niceLenLimit, currentMatch);
          end Skip_one;
          for count in reverse 1 .. len loop
          end loop;
        end skip;

        function getMatches return Matches_type is
          matches: Matches_type;
          matchLenLimit : Integer := Look_Ahead;
          niceLenLimit  : Integer := niceLen;
          avail: Integer;
          delta0, delta2, delta3, currentMatch,
          lenBest, depth, ptr0, ptr1, pair, len, len0, len1: Integer;
          --  Put("BT4.getMatches... ");
          matches.count:= 0;
          avail:= movePos;
          if avail < matchLenLimit then
            if avail = 0 then
              return matches;
            end if;
            matchLenLimit := avail;
            if niceLenLimit > avail then
              niceLenLimit := avail;
            end if;
          end if;
          Hash234.calcHashes(buf.all, readPos);
          delta2 := lzPos - Hash234.hash2Table (Integer(Hash234.hash2Value));
          delta3 := lzPos - Hash234.hash3Table (Integer(Hash234.hash3Value));
          currentMatch :=   Hash234.hash4Table (Integer(Hash234.hash4Value));
          lenBest := 0;
          --  See if the hash from the first two bytes found a match.
          --  The hashing algorithm guarantees that if the first byte
          --  matches, also the second byte does, so there's no need to
          --  test the second byte.
          if delta2 < max_dist and then buf(readPos - delta2) = buf(readPos) then
            --  Match of length 2 found and checked.
            lenBest := 2;
            matches.len(0) := 2;
            matches.dist(0) := delta2 - 1;
            matches.count := 1;
          end if;
          --  See if the hash from the first three bytes found a match that
          --  is different from the match possibly found by the two-byte hash.
          --  Also here the hashing algorithm guarantees that if the first byte
          --  matches, also the next two bytes do.
          if delta2 /= delta3 and then delta3 < max_dist
                  and then buf(readPos - delta3) = buf(readPos)
            --  Match of length 3 found and checked.
            lenBest := 3;
            matches.count := matches.count + 1;
            matches.dist(matches.count - 1) := delta3 - 1;
            delta2 := delta3;
          end if;
          --  If a match was found, see how long it is.
          if matches.count > 0 then
            while lenBest < matchLenLimit and then buf(readPos + lenBest - delta2)
                                                 = buf(readPos + lenBest)
              lenBest:= lenBest + 1;
            end loop;
            matches.len(matches.count - 1) := lenBest;
            --  Return if it is long enough (niceLen or reached the end of the dictionary).
            if lenBest >= niceLenLimit then
              skip_update_tree(niceLenLimit, currentMatch);
              return matches;
            end if;
          end if;
          --  Long enough match wasn't found so easily. Look for better matches from the binary tree.
          if lenBest < 3 then
            lenBest := 3;
          end if;
          depth := depthLimit;
          ptr0  := cyclicPos * 2 + 1;
          ptr1  := cyclicPos * 2;
          len0  := 0;
          len1  := 0;
            delta0 := lzPos - currentMatch;
            --  Return if the search depth limit has been reached or
            --  if the distance of the potential match exceeds the
            --  dictionary size.
            if depth = 0 or else delta0 >= max_dist then
              tree(ptr0) := Null_position;
              tree(ptr1) := Null_position;
              return matches;
            end if;
            depth:= depth - 1;
            if cyclicPos - delta0 < 0 then
              pair:= cyclicSize;
              pair:= 0;
            end if;
            pair := (cyclicPos - delta0 + pair) * 2;
            len  := Integer'Min(len0, len1);
            --  Match ?
            if buf(readPos + len - delta0) = buf(readPos + len) then
                len:= len + 1;
                exit when len >= matchLenLimit
                  or else buf(readPos + len - delta0) /= buf(readPos + len);
              end loop;
              if len > lenBest then
                lenBest := len;
                matches.len(matches.count) := len;
                matches.dist(matches.count) := delta0 - 1;
                matches.count:= matches.count + 1;
                if len >= niceLenLimit then
                  tree(ptr1) := tree(pair);
                  tree(ptr0) := tree(pair + 1);
                  return matches;
                end if;
              end if;
            end if;
            --  Bytes are no more matching. The past value is either smaller...
            if buf(readPos + len - delta0) < buf(readPos + len) then
              tree(ptr1) := currentMatch;
              ptr1 := pair + 1;
              currentMatch := tree(ptr1);
              len1 := len;
            else  --  ... or larger
              tree(ptr0) := currentMatch;
              ptr0 := pair;
              currentMatch := tree(ptr0);
              len0 := len;
            end if;
          end loop;
        end getMatches;

        --  NB: heap allocation used only for convenience because of
        --      small default stack sizes on some compilers.
        tree:= new Int_array(0 .. cyclicSize * 2 - 1);
        tree.all:= (others => Null_position);
      end BT4;

      --  Moves data from the end of the buffer to the beginning, discarding
      --  old data and making space for new input.

      procedure moveWindow is
        --  Align the move to a multiple of 16 bytes (LZMA-friendly, see pos_bits)
        moveOffset : constant Integer := ((readPos + 1 - keepSizeBefore) / 16) * 16;
        moveSize   : constant Integer := writePos - moveOffset;
        --  Put_Line("  Move window, size=" & moveSize'Img & " offset=" & moveOffset'Img);
        buf(0 .. moveSize - 1):= buf(moveOffset .. moveOffset + moveSize - 1);
        readPos   := readPos   - moveOffset;
        readLimit := readLimit - moveOffset;
        writePos  := writePos  - moveOffset;
      end moveWindow;

     --  Copies new data into the buffer.
     function fillWindow(len_initial: Integer) return Integer is

       --  Process pending data that hasn't been ran through the match finder yet.
       --  Run it through the match finder now if there is enough new data
       --  available (readPos < readLimit) that the encoder may encode at
       --  least one more input byte.
       procedure processPendingBytes is
         oldPendingSize: Integer;
         if pendingSize > 0 and then readPos < readLimit then
           readPos := readPos - pendingSize;
           oldPendingSize := pendingSize;
           pendingSize := 0;
         end if;
       end processPendingBytes;
       len: Integer:= len_initial;
       actual_len: Integer:= 0;
        --  Put_Line("Fill window - start");
        --  Move the sliding window if needed.
        if readPos >= buf'Length - keepSizeAfter then
        end if;

        --  Try to fill the dictionary buffer up to its boundary.
        if len > buf'Length - writePos then
          len := buf'Length - writePos;
        end if;

        while len > 0 and then More_bytes loop
          buf(writePos):= Read_byte;
          writePos:= writePos + 1;
          len:= len - 1;
          actual_len:= actual_len + 1;
        end loop;

        --  Set the new readLimit but only if there's enough data to allow
        --  encoding of at least one more byte.
        if writePos >= keepSizeAfter then
          readLimit := writePos - keepSizeAfter;
        end if;


        --  Put_Line("Fill window, requested=" & len_initial'Img & " actual=" & actual_len'Img);
        --  Tell the caller how much input we actually copied into the dictionary.
        return actual_len;
      end fillWindow;

      matches : Matches_type;
      readAhead : Integer := -1;  --

      function getMatches return Matches_type is
        readAhead:= readAhead + 1;
        return BT4.getMatches;
      end getMatches;

      procedure skip(len: Natural) is
      pragma Inline(skip);
        readAhead:= readAhead + len;
      end skip;

      --  Small stack of recent distances used for LZ.
      subtype Repeat_stack_range is Integer range 0..3;
      rep_dist: array(Repeat_stack_range) of Natural := (others => 0);

      procedure getNextSymbol is
        avail, mainLen, mainDist, newLen, newDist, limit: Integer;

        function changePair(smallDist, bigDist: Integer) return Boolean is
        pragma Inline(changePair);
          return smallDist < bigDist / 128;
        end changePair;

        --  This function is for debugging. The matches stored in the 'tree' array
        --  may be wrong if the variables cyclicPos, lzPos and readPos are not in sync.
        --  The issue seems to have been solved now (rev. 489).
        function Is_match_correct(shift: Natural) return Boolean is
        pragma Inline(Is_match_correct);
          paranoid: constant Boolean:= True;
          if paranoid then
            for i in reverse -1 + shift .. mainLen - 2 + shift loop
              if buf(readPos - (mainDist+1) + i) /= buf(readPos + i) then
                return False;  --  Should not occur (check with code coverage)
              end if;
            end loop;
          end if;
          return True;
        end Is_match_correct;

        function getMatchLen(dist, lenLimit: Integer) return Natural is
        pragma Inline(getMatchLen);
          backPos: constant Integer := readPos - dist - 1;
          len: Integer := 0;
          if dist < 1 then
            return 0;
          end if;
          --  @ if readPos+len not in buf.all'Range then
          --  @   Put("**** readpos " & buf'Last'Img & readPos'Img);
          --  @ end if;
          --  @ if backPos+len not in buf.all'Range then
          --  @   Put("**** backpos " & buf'Last'Img & backPos'Img);
          --  @ end if;
          while len < lenLimit and then buf(readPos + len) = buf(backPos + len) loop
            len:= len + 1;
          end loop;
          return len;
        end getMatchLen;

        procedure Send_first_literal_of_match is
          readAhead := readAhead - 1;
        end Send_first_literal_of_match;

        procedure Send_DL_code( distance, length: Integer ) is
          found_repeat: Integer:= rep_dist'First - 1;
          aux: Integer;
          Write_DL_code(distance + 1, length);
          readAhead := readAhead - length;
          if LZMA_friendly then
            --  Manage the stack of recent distances in the same way the "MA" part of LZMA does.
            for i in rep_dist'Range loop
              if distance = rep_dist(i) then
                found_repeat:= i;
              end if;
            end loop;
            if found_repeat >= rep_dist'First then
              --  Roll the stack of recent distances up to the item with index found_repeat,
              --  which becomes first. If found_repeat = rep_dist'First, no actual change occurs.
              aux:= rep_dist(found_repeat);
              for i in reverse rep_dist'First + 1 .. found_repeat loop
                rep_dist(i) := rep_dist(i-1);
              end loop;
              rep_dist(rep_dist'First):= aux;
              --  Shift the stack of recent distances; the new distance becomes the first item.
              for i in reverse rep_dist'First + 1 .. rep_dist'Last loop
                rep_dist(i) := rep_dist(i-1);
              end loop;
              rep_dist(0) := distance;
            end if;
          end if;
        end Send_DL_code;

        bestRepLen, bestRepIndex, len: Integer;

        --  Get the matches for the next byte unless readAhead indicates
        --  that we already got the new matches during the previous call
        --  to this procedure.
        if readAhead = -1 then
          matches := getMatches;
        end if;
        --  @ if readPos not in buf.all'Range then
        --  @   Put("**** " & buf'Last'Img & keepSizeAfter'Img & readPos'Img & writePos'Img);
        --  @ end if;
        cur_literal:= buf(readPos);
        --  Get the number of bytes available in the dictionary, but
        --  not more than the maximum match length. If there aren't
        --  enough bytes remaining to encode a match at all, return
        --  immediately to encode this byte as a literal.
        avail := Integer'Min(getAvail, Look_Ahead);
        if avail < MATCH_LEN_MIN then
          --  Put("[a]");
        end if;

        if LZMA_friendly then
          --  Look for a match from the previous four different match distances.
          bestRepLen := 0;
          bestRepIndex := 0;
          for rep in Repeat_stack_range loop
            len := getMatchLen(rep_dist(rep), avail);
            if len >= MATCH_LEN_MIN then
              --  If it is long enough, return it.
              if len >= niceLen then
                skip(len - 1);
                --  Put_Line("[DL RA]");
                Send_DL_code(rep_dist(rep), len);
              end if;
              --  Remember the index and length of the best repeated match.
              if len > bestRepLen then
                bestRepIndex := rep;
                bestRepLen := len;
              end if;
            end if;
          end loop;
        end if;

        mainLen := 0;
        mainDist := 0;
        if matches.count > 0 then
          mainLen  := matches.len(matches.count - 1);
          mainDist := matches.dist(matches.count - 1);
          if mainLen >= niceLen then
            if Is_match_correct(1) then
              skip(mainLen - 1);
              --  Put_Line("[DL A]" & mainDist'Img & mainLen'Img);
              Send_DL_code(mainDist, mainLen);
              --  Put_Line("Wrong match [A]! pos=" & Integer'Image(lzPos - cyclicSize));
            end if;
          end if;
          while matches.count > 1 and then mainLen = matches.len(matches.count - 2) + 1 loop
            exit when not changePair(matches.dist(matches.count - 2), mainDist);
            matches.count:= matches.count - 1;
            mainLen := matches.len(matches.count - 1);
            mainDist := matches.dist(matches.count - 1);
          end loop;
          if mainLen = MATCH_LEN_MIN and then mainDist >= 128 then
            mainLen := 1;
          end if;
        end if;

        if LZMA_friendly
             and then bestRepLen >= MATCH_LEN_MIN
             and then ( bestRepLen + 1 >= mainLen
                        or else (bestRepLen + 2 >= mainLen and then mainDist >= 2 ** 9)
                        or else (bestRepLen + 3 >= mainLen and then mainDist >= 2 ** 15) )
          skip(bestRepLen - 1);
          --  Put_Line("[DL RB]");
          Send_DL_code(rep_dist(bestRepIndex), bestRepLen);
        end if;

        if mainLen < MATCH_LEN_MIN or else avail <= MATCH_LEN_MIN then
        end if;

        --  Get the next match. Test if it is better than the current match.
        --  If so, encode the current byte as a literal.
        matches := getMatches;
        if matches.count > 0 then
          newLen  := matches.len(matches.count - 1);
          newDist := matches.dist(matches.count - 1);
          if (newLen >= mainLen and then newDist < mainDist)
                  or else (newLen = mainLen + 1
                      and then not changePair(mainDist, newDist))
                  or else newLen > mainLen + 1
                  or else (newLen + 1 >= mainLen
                      and then mainLen >= MATCH_LEN_MIN + 1
                      and then changePair(newDist, mainDist))
          end if;
        end if;

        limit := Integer'Max(mainLen - 1, MATCH_LEN_MIN);
        for rep in rep_dist'Range loop
          if getMatchLen(rep_dist(rep), limit) = limit then
          end if;
        end loop;

        if Is_match_correct(0) then
          skip(mainLen - 2);
          --  Put_Line("[DL B]" & mainDist'Img & mainLen'Img);
          Send_DL_code(mainDist, mainLen);
          --  Put_Line("Wrong match [B]!");
        end if;
      end getNextSymbol;

      actual_written, avail: Integer;
      --  NB: heap allocation used only for convenience because of
      --      small default stack sizes on some compilers.
      buf:= new Byte_array(0 .. getBufSize);
      actual_written:= fillWindow(String_buffer_size);
      if actual_written > 0 then
          avail:= getAvail;
          if avail = 0 then
            actual_written:= fillWindow(String_buffer_size);
            exit when actual_written = 0;
          end if;
        end loop;
      end if;
    end LZ77_using_BT4;

    case Method is
      when LZHuf =>
      when IZ_4 .. IZ_10 =>
        LZ77_using_IZ( 4 + Method_Type'Pos(Method) -  Method_Type'Pos(IZ_4) );
      when BT4 =>
    end case;
  end Encode;

end LZ77;

Zip-Ada: Ada library for zip archive files (.zip). Ada programming.
Some news about Zip-Ada and other related Ada projects on Gautier's blog.