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Source file : lzma-encoding.adb

--  LZMA.Encoding - a standalone, generic LZMA encoder.
--  Author: G. de Montmollin (except parts mentioned below (*)).
--  This encoder was built mostly by mirroring from LZMA.Decoding upon
--  the format's symmetries between encoding and decoding. For instance,
--      Bit_Tree_Decode(probs_len.low_coder(pos_state), Len_low_bits, len);
--  becomes:
--      Bit_Tree_Encode(probs_len.low_coder(pos_state), Len_low_bits, len);
--  Furthermore, cases for which there are alternatives are decided by comparing
--  their respective probabilities (search "MProb" in the code).
--  (*) The base mechanism (the encoding of range, literals and DL codes)
--      is from the original LzmaEnc.c by Igor Pavlov.
--      The Get_dist_slot function is from the by Lasse Collin.
--  Change log:
--  18-Aug-2016: Fully functional.
--  28-Jul-2016: Created.

with LZ77;

with Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;             use Ada.Streams.Stream_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Interfaces;                        use Interfaces;

package body LZMA.Encoding is

  procedure Encode(
    level                  : Compression_level           := Level_1;
    literal_context_bits   : Literal_context_bits_range  := 3;   --  Bits of last byte are used.
    literal_position_bits  : Literal_position_bits_range := 0;   --  Position mod 2**bits is used.
    position_bits          : Position_bits_range         := 2;   --  Position mod 2**bits is used.
    end_marker             : Boolean := True;   --  Produce an End-Of-Stream marker ?
    uncompressed_size_info : Boolean := False;  --  Optional extra header needed for .lzma files.
    dictionary_size        : Natural := Default_dictionary_size  --  Not used by Level_1, Level_2.

    --  Range encoding of single bits. --

    subtype UInt64 is Unsigned_64;

    type Range_Encoder is record
      width     : UInt32  := 16#FFFF_FFFF#;  --  (*)
      low       : UInt64  := 0;  --  The current range is [low, low+width[
      cache     : Byte    := 0;
      cache_size: UInt64  := 1;
    end record;
    --  (*) "width" is called "range" in LZMA spec and "remaining width" in G.N.N. Martin's
    --      article about range encoding.

    range_enc: Range_Encoder;

    procedure Shift_low is
      --  Top 32 bits of the lower range bound.
      lb_top32    : constant UInt64:= Shift_Right(range_enc.low, 32);
      --  Bottom 32 bits of the lower range bound.
      lb_bottom32 : constant UInt32:= UInt32(range_enc.low and 16#FFFF_FFFF#);
      temp, lb_bits_33_40: Byte;
      if lb_bottom32 < 16#FF00_0000# or else lb_top32 /= 0 then
        --  Flush range_enc.cache_size bytes, based on only
        --  2 byte values: range_enc.cache and lb_bits_33_40.
        --  The mechanism is a bit obscure (seems to be a carry)...
        temp:= range_enc.cache;
        lb_bits_33_40:= Byte(lb_top32 and 16#FF#);
          Write_byte(temp + lb_bits_33_40);
          temp:= 16#FF#;
          range_enc.cache_size:= range_enc.cache_size - 1;
          exit when range_enc.cache_size = 0;
        end loop;
        range_enc.cache:= Byte(Shift_Right(lb_bottom32, 24) and 16#FF#);  --  bits 25 to 32
      end if;
      range_enc.cache_size:= range_enc.cache_size + 1;
      --  Bits 25 to 32 are erased and the trailing zeroes are added.
      range_enc.low:= UInt64(Shift_Left(lb_bottom32, 8));
    end Shift_low;

    procedure Flush_range_encoder is
      for i in 1 .. 5 loop
      end loop;
    end Flush_range_encoder;

    --  Normalize corresponds to G.N.N. Martin's revised algorithm's adding
    --  of trailing digits (zeroes). The leftmost digits of the range don't
    --  change anymore and can be output.
    procedure Normalize is
    pragma Inline(Normalize);
      if range_enc.width < width_threshold then
        range_enc.width := Shift_Left(range_enc.width, 8);  --  Trailing zeroes are added to width.
      end if;
    end Normalize;

    procedure Encode_Bit(prob: in out CProb; symbol: in Unsigned) is
    pragma Inline(Encode_Bit);
      cur_prob: constant CProb:= prob;  --  Local copy
      --  The current interval is [low, high=low+width[ .
      --  The bound is between 0 and width, closer to 0 if prob
      --  is small, closer to width if prob is large.
      bound: constant UInt32:= Shift_Right(range_enc.width, Probability_model_bits) * UInt32(cur_prob);
      if symbol = 0 then
        --  Left sub-interval, for symbol 0: [low, low+bound[ .
        --  Set new range. low is unchanged, high is new.
        range_enc.width := bound;
        --  Increase probability.
        --  The truncation ensures that prob <= Probability_model_count - (2**m - 1). See note (*).
        prob:= cur_prob + Shift_Right(Probability_model_count - cur_prob, Probability_change_bits);
        --  Right sub-interval, for symbol 1: [low+bound, high=low+width[ .
        --  Set new range. low is new, high is unchanged.
        range_enc.low := range_enc.low + UInt64(bound);
        range_enc.width := range_enc.width - bound;
        --  Decrease probability: prob:= prob - {prob / 2**m}, approx. equal to prob * (1 - 2**m).
        --  The truncation represented by {} ensures that prob >= 2**m - 1. See note (*).
        prob:= cur_prob - Shift_Right(cur_prob, Probability_change_bits);
      end if;
      --  (*) It can be checked exhaustively that it is always the case.
      --      A too low prob could cause the width to be too small or even zero.
      --      Same for "too high". See LZMA sheet in za_work.xls.
    end Encode_Bit;

    --  Gets an integer [0, 63] matching the highest two bits of an integer.
    --  It is a log2 function with one "decimal".
    function Get_dist_slot(dist: UInt32) return Unsigned is
      n: UInt32;
      i: Natural;
      if dist <= Start_dist_model_index then
        return Unsigned(dist);
      end if;
      n := dist;
      i := 31;
      if (n and 16#FFFF_0000#) = 0 then
        n := Shift_Left(n, 16);
        i := 15;
      end if;
      if (n and 16#FF00_0000#) = 0 then
        n := Shift_Left(n, 8);
        i := i - 8;
      end if;
      if (n and 16#F000_0000#) = 0 then
        n := Shift_Left(n, 4);
        i := i - 4;
      end if;
      if (n and 16#C000_0000#) = 0 then
        n := Shift_Left(n, 2);
        i := i - 2;
      end if;
      if (n and 16#8000_0000#) = 0 then
        i := i - 1;
      end if;
      return Unsigned(i * 2) + Unsigned(Shift_Right(dist, i - 1) and 1);
    end Get_dist_slot;

    --  Round to the next power of two. BT4 borks without this for the window size.
    function Ceiling_power_of_2(x: Natural) return Positive is
      p: Positive:= 1;
      while p < Integer'Last / 2 and p < x loop
        p:= p * 2;
      end loop;
      return Integer'Max(p, x);
    end Ceiling_power_of_2;

    --  LZ77 compression parameters  --

    LZ77_choice: constant array(Compression_level) of LZ77.Method_Type:=
      (Level_0   => LZ77.IZ_4,  --  Fake: actually we don't do any LZ77 for level 0
       Level_1   => LZ77.IZ_6,
       Level_2   => LZ77.IZ_10,
       Level_3   => LZ77.BT4);

    Min_length : constant array(Compression_level) of Positive:=
      (Level_1 | Level_2  => 3,    --  Deflate's Value
       others             => 2);

    Max_length : constant array(Compression_level) of Positive:=
      (Level_1 | Level_2  => 258,  --  Deflate's Value
       others             => 273);

    --  String_buffer_size: the actual dictionary size used.
    String_buffer_size: constant array(Compression_level) of Positive:=
      (Level_0            => 16,       --  Fake: actually we don't use any LZ77 for level 0
       Level_1 | Level_2  => 2 ** 15,  --  Deflate's Value: 32 KB
       Level_3            =>
           Min_dictionary_size,                --  minimum:  4 KB
             --    dictionary_size is specified; default is 32 KB
             2 ** 25                           --  maximum: 32 MB

    --  The LZMA "machine": here the LZ codes are processed  --
    --  and sent to the above bit encoder in a smart way.    --

    subtype Data_Bytes_Count is Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.Count;

    type LZMA_Params_Info is record
      unpack_size          : Data_Bytes_Count:= 0;
      unpack_size_defined  : Boolean := False;
      header_has_size      : Boolean := uncompressed_size_info;
      has_end_mark         : Boolean := end_marker;
      dict_size            : UInt32  := UInt32(String_buffer_size(level));
      lc                   : Literal_context_bits_range  := literal_context_bits;
      lp                   : Literal_position_bits_range := literal_position_bits;
      pb                   : Position_bits_range         := position_bits;
    end record;

    params: LZMA_Params_Info;

    --  Finite state machine.
    state : State_range := 0;
    --  Small stack of recent distances used for LZ. Required: initialized with zero values.
    subtype Repeat_stack_range is Integer range 0 .. 3;
    rep_dist: array(Repeat_stack_range) of UInt32 := (others => 0);
    total_pos : Data_Bytes_Count := 0;
    pos_state : Pos_state_range  := 0;
    probs: All_probabilities(last_lit_prob_index => 16#300# * 2 ** ( + params.lp) - 1);
    pos_bits_mask    : constant UInt32 := 2 ** params.pb - 1;
    literal_pos_mask : constant UInt32 := 2 ** params.lp - 1;

    procedure Update_pos_state is
    pragma Inline(Update_pos_state);
      pos_state := Pos_state_range(UInt32(total_pos) and pos_bits_mask);
    end Update_pos_state;

    --  We expand the DL codes in order to have some past data.
    subtype Text_Buffer_Index is UInt32 range 0 .. UInt32(String_buffer_size(level) - 1);
    type Text_Buffer is array (Text_Buffer_Index) of Byte;
    Text_Buf_Mask: constant UInt32:= UInt32(String_buffer_size(level) - 1);
    --  NB: heap allocation used only for convenience because of
    --      small default stack sizes on some compilers.
    type p_Text_Buffer is access Text_Buffer;
    procedure Dispose is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Text_Buffer, p_Text_Buffer);
    Text_Buf: p_Text_Buffer:= new Text_Buffer;
    R: UInt32:= 0;

    function Idx_for_Literal_prob(position : Data_Bytes_Count; prev_byte: Byte) return Integer is
    pragma Inline(Idx_for_Literal_prob);
      return 16#300# *
            Shift_Left(UInt32(position) and literal_pos_mask, +
            Shift_Right(UInt32(prev_byte), 8 -
    end Idx_for_Literal_prob;

    prev_byte: Byte:= 0;

    --  Package Predicted --
    --  Purpose: compute predicted probabilities of different alternative encodings,
    --  in order to choose the most probable. Note that the LZMA encoding is already very efficient
    --  by taking the obvious choices and ignoring this package (see constant named "quick").
    --  In the following probability computations, we assume independent
    --  (multiplicative) probabilities, just like the range encoder does
    --  when adapting the range width. With higher probabilities, the width
    --  will decrease less and the compression will be better.
    --  Since the probability model is constantly adapting, we have kind of self-fulfilling
    --  predictions - e.g. if a Short Rep Match is chosen against a Literal, the context
    --  probabilities of the former will be increased instead of the latter.

    package Predicted is
      type MProb is new Long_Float range 0.0 .. 1.0;
      function Strict_Literal(
        b, b_match    : Byte;
        prob          : CProb_array;
        sim_state     : State_range;
        sim_pos_state : Pos_state_range
      ) return MProb;
      function Short_Rep_Match(
        sim_state     : State_range;
        sim_pos_state : Pos_state_range
      ) return MProb;
      function Any_literal(
        b, b_match, b_prev : Byte;  --  b_match is the byte at distance rep_dist(0) + 1.
        sim_state          : State_range;
        offset             : Data_Bytes_Count
      ) return MProb;
      function Repeat_Match(index: Repeat_stack_range; length: Unsigned) return MProb;
      function Simple_Match(distance: UInt32; length: Unsigned) return MProb;
      --  Strict_DL_code is either a Simple_Match or a Repeat_Match.
      function Strict_DL_code (
        distance      : Integer;
        length        : Match_length_range;
        sim_state     : State_range;
        sim_pos_state : Pos_state_range
      ) return MProb;
      --  Expanded_DL_code is a DL code expanded as a string of literals.
      function Expanded_DL_code (
        distance : Integer;
        length   : Match_length_range;
        give_up  : MProb)
      return MProb;
      --  End of the obvious cases. Now things get tougher...
      --  Case of DL code split into a shorter DL code (strict or expanded), then a literal.
      function DL_code_then_Literal (
        distance  : Integer;
        length    : Match_length_range;
        recursion : Natural)
      return MProb;
      --  Empirical, tuned, magic numbers
      --  Over the long run, it's better to let repeat matches happen.
      Malus_simple_match_vs_rep: constant:= 0.55;
      --  DL code for short lengths may be unnecessary and replaced by fully expanded bytes.
      Malus_DL_short_len: constant:= 0.995;
      --  It is better to split a DL code as a very frequent literal, then a DL code with length-1.
      Lit_then_DL_threshold : constant:= 0.875;   -- naive approach: literal's prob. only considered
      Malus_lit_then_DL     : constant:= 0.0625;  -- full evaluation
      Malus_DL_then_lit: constant:= 0.125;
    end Predicted;

    package body Predicted is
      To_Prob_Factor: constant MProb:= 1.0 / MProb'Base(Probability_model_count);

      function To_Math(cp: CProb) return MProb is
      pragma Inline(To_Math);
        return MProb'Base(cp) * To_Prob_Factor;
      end To_Math;

      function Simulate_bit(prob_bit: CProb; bit: Unsigned) return MProb is
      pragma Inline(Simulate_bit);
        b: constant MProb'Base:= MProb'Base(bit);  --  b = 0.0 or 1.0
        return b + (1.0 - 2.0 * b) * To_Math(prob_bit);
        --  Branch-less equivalent of:
        --    if bit = 0 then
        --      return prob_bit;
        --    else
        --      return 1.0 - prob_bit;
        --    end if;
      end Simulate_bit;

      function Strict_Literal(
        b, b_match    : Byte;
        prob          : CProb_array;
        sim_state     : State_range;
        sim_pos_state : Pos_state_range
      ) return MProb
        prob_lit: MProb:= Simulate_bit(probs.switch.match(sim_state, sim_pos_state), Literal_choice);
        symb: UInt32:= UInt32(b) or 16#100#;
        procedure Simulate_Literal is
            prob_lit:= prob_lit *
                prob_bit => prob(Integer(Shift_Right(symb, 8)) + prob'First),
                bit      => Unsigned(Shift_Right(symb, 7)) and 1
            symb:= Shift_Left(symb, 1);
            exit when symb >= 16#10000#;
          end loop;
        end Simulate_Literal;
        procedure Simulate_Literal_Matched is
          offs: UInt32:= 16#100#;
          match: UInt32:= UInt32(b_match);
            match:= Shift_Left(match, 1);
            prob_lit:= prob_lit *
                prob_bit => prob(Integer(offs + (match and offs) +
                                                 Shift_Right(symb, 8)) + prob'First),
                bit      => Unsigned(Shift_Right(symb, 7)) and 1
            symb:= Shift_Left(symb, 1);
            offs:= offs and not (match xor symb);
            exit when symb >= 16#10000#;
          end loop;
        end Simulate_Literal_Matched;
        if sim_state < 7 then
        end if;
        return prob_lit;
      end Strict_Literal;

      function Short_Rep_Match(
        sim_state     : State_range;
        sim_pos_state : Pos_state_range
      ) return MProb
          Simulate_bit(probs.switch.match(sim_state, sim_pos_state), DL_code_choice) *
          Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep(sim_state), Rep_match_choice) *
          Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(sim_state), The_distance_is_rep0_choice) *
          Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep0_long(sim_state, sim_pos_state), The_length_is_1_choice);
      end Short_Rep_Match;

      --  We simulate here LZ77_emits_literal_byte.
      procedure Any_literal(
        b, b_match, b_prev : Byte;  --  b_match is the byte at distance rep_dist(0) + 1.
        offset             : Data_Bytes_Count;
        sim_state          : in out State_range;
        sim_rep_dist_0     : UInt32;
        prob               : in out MProb
        probs_lit_idx : constant Integer:= Idx_for_Literal_prob(total_pos+offset, b_prev);
        sim_pos_state : constant Pos_state_range:= Pos_state_range(UInt32(total_pos+offset) and pos_bits_mask);
        ltr: constant MProb:=
          Strict_Literal(b, b_match, probs.lit(probs_lit_idx..probs.lit'Last), sim_state, sim_pos_state);
        srm: MProb;
        if b = b_match and then total_pos+offset > Data_Bytes_Count(sim_rep_dist_0 + 1) then
          srm:= Short_Rep_Match(sim_state, sim_pos_state);
          if srm > ltr then
            --  Short Rep would be preferred.
            sim_state := Update_State_ShortRep(sim_state);
            prob:= prob * srm;
          end if;
        end if;
        sim_state := Update_State_Literal(sim_state);
        prob:= prob * ltr;
      end Any_literal;

      function Any_literal(
        b, b_match, b_prev : Byte;  --  b_match is the byte at distance rep_dist(0) + 1.
        sim_state          : State_range;
        offset             : Data_Bytes_Count
      return MProb
        sim_state_var: State_range:= sim_state;
        prob: MProb:= 1.0;
        Any_literal(b, b_match, b_prev, offset, sim_state_var, rep_dist(0), prob);
        return prob;
      end Any_literal;

      function Simulate_Bit_Tree(prob: CProb_array; num_bits: Positive; symbol: Unsigned) return MProb is
        res: MProb:= 1.0;
        bit, m: Unsigned;
        m:= 1;
        for i in reverse 0 .. num_bits - 1 loop
          bit:= Unsigned(Shift_Right(UInt32(symbol), i)) and 1;
          res:= res * Simulate_bit(prob(Integer(m) + prob'First), bit);
          m:= m + m + bit;
        end loop;
        return res;
      end Simulate_Bit_Tree;

      function Simulate_Length(probs_len: Probs_for_LZ_Lengths; length: Unsigned) return MProb is
        len: Unsigned:= length - Min_match_length;
        res: MProb;
        if len < Len_low_symbols then
          res:= Simulate_bit(probs_len.choice_1, 0) *
                Simulate_Bit_Tree(probs_len.low_coder(pos_state), Len_low_bits, len);
          res:= Simulate_bit(probs_len.choice_1, 1);
          len:= len - Len_low_symbols;
          if len < Len_mid_symbols then
            res:= res * Simulate_bit(probs_len.choice_2, 0)
                      * Simulate_Bit_Tree(probs_len.mid_coder(pos_state), Len_mid_bits, len);
            res:= res * Simulate_bit(probs_len.choice_2, 1);
            len:= len - Len_mid_symbols;
            res:= res * Simulate_Bit_Tree(probs_len.high_coder, Len_high_bits, len);
          end if;
        end if;
        return res;
      end Simulate_Length;

      function Repeat_Match(index: Repeat_stack_range; length: Unsigned) return MProb is
        res: MProb:= Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep(state), Rep_match_choice);
        case index is
          when 0 =>
            res:= res * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), The_distance_is_rep0_choice)
                      * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep0_long(state, pos_state), The_length_is_not_1_choice);
          when 1 =>
            res:= res * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), The_distance_is_not_rep0_choice)
                      * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g1(state), The_distance_is_rep1_choice);
          when 2 =>
            res:= res * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), The_distance_is_not_rep0_choice)
                      * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g1(state), The_distance_is_not_rep1_choice)
                      * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g2(state), The_distance_is_rep2_choice);
          when 3 =>
            res:= res * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), The_distance_is_not_rep0_choice)
                      * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g1(state), The_distance_is_not_rep1_choice)
                      * Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep_g2(state), The_distance_is_not_rep2_choice);
        end case;
        return res * Simulate_Length(probs.rep_len, length);
      end Repeat_Match;

      function Simple_Match(distance: UInt32; length: Unsigned) return MProb is
        function Simulate_Bit_Tree_Reverse(prob: CProb_array; num_bits: Natural; symbol: UInt32)
        return MProb
          res: MProb:= 1.0;
          symb: UInt32:= symbol;
          m: Unsigned := 1;
          bit: Unsigned;
          for count in reverse 1 .. num_bits loop
            bit:= Unsigned(symb) and 1;
            res:= res * Simulate_bit(prob(Integer(m) + prob'First), bit);
            m := m + m + bit;
            symb:= Shift_Right(symb, 1);
          end loop;
          return res;
        end Simulate_Bit_Tree_Reverse;
        function Simulate_Distance return MProb is
          len_state : constant Unsigned := Unsigned'Min(length - 2, Len_to_pos_states - 1);
          dist_slot : constant Unsigned := Get_dist_slot(distance);
          base, dist_reduced: UInt32;
          footerBits: Natural;
          res: MProb;
          res:= Simulate_Bit_Tree(probs.dist.slot_coder(len_state), Dist_slot_bits, dist_slot);
          if dist_slot >= Start_dist_model_index then
            footerBits := Natural(Shift_Right(UInt32(dist_slot), 1)) - 1;
            base := Shift_Left(UInt32(2 or (dist_slot and 1)), footerBits);
            dist_reduced := distance - base;
            if dist_slot < End_dist_model_index then
              res:= res *
                  probs.dist.pos_coder(Integer(base) - Integer(dist_slot) - 1 .. Pos_coder_range'Last),
              res:= res *
                (0.5 ** (footerBits - Align_bits)) *  --  direct bits
                  dist_reduced and Align_mask
            end if;
          end if;
          return res;
        end Simulate_Distance;
          Simulate_bit(probs.switch.rep(state), Simple_match_choice) *
          Simulate_Length(probs.len, length) *
      end Simple_Match;

      --  We simulate here LZ77_emits_DL_code
      function Strict_DL_code (
        distance      : Integer;
        length        : Match_length_range;
        sim_state     : State_range;
        sim_pos_state : Pos_state_range
      ) return MProb
        dist_ip: constant UInt32:= UInt32(distance - 1);
        found_repeat: Integer:= rep_dist'First - 1;
        dlc: constant MProb:= Simulate_bit(probs.switch.match(sim_state, sim_pos_state), DL_code_choice);
        sma: constant MProb:= Simple_Match(dist_ip, Unsigned(length));
        rma: MProb;
        for i in rep_dist'Range loop
          if dist_ip = rep_dist(i) then
            found_repeat:= i;
          end if;
        end loop;
        if found_repeat >= rep_dist'First then
          rma:= Repeat_Match(found_repeat, Unsigned(length));
          if rma >= sma * Malus_simple_match_vs_rep  then
            return dlc * rma;
          end if;
        end if;
        return dlc * sma;
      end Strict_DL_code;

      function Expanded_DL_code (
        distance : Integer;
        length   : Match_length_range;
        give_up  : MProb)
      return MProb
        b: Byte;
        sim_prev_byte: Byte:= prev_byte;
        sim_state: State_range:= state;
        expanded_string_prob: MProb:= 1.0;
        for x in 0 .. length-1 loop
          b:= Text_Buf((R + UInt32(x) - UInt32(distance)) and Text_Buf_Mask);
            b              => b,
            b_match        => Text_Buf((R + UInt32(x) - rep_dist(0) - 1)  and Text_Buf_Mask),
            b_prev         => sim_prev_byte,
            offset         => Data_Bytes_Count(x),
            sim_state      => sim_state,
            sim_rep_dist_0 => rep_dist(0),
            prob           => expanded_string_prob
          --  Probability is decreasing over the loop, useless to continue under given threshold.
          exit when expanded_string_prob < give_up;
          sim_prev_byte:= b;
        end loop;
        return expanded_string_prob;
      end Expanded_DL_code;

      function DL_code_then_Literal (
        distance  : Integer;
        length    : Match_length_range;
        recursion : Natural)
      return MProb
        b: Byte;
        sim_prev_byte: Byte:= prev_byte;
        sim_state: State_range:= state;
        sim_rep_dist_0: UInt32:= rep_dist(0);
        prob: MProb:= 1.0;
        dlc: MProb:= Strict_DL_code(distance, length-1, sim_state, pos_state) * Malus_DL_short_len;
        if recursion > 0 and then length > Min_match_length + 1 then
          --  The "DL + Lit" optimization will be done recursively "in real",
          --  we can do it as well in the simulation.
          dlc:= MProb'Max(dlc,
            Malus_DL_then_lit * DL_code_then_Literal(distance, length-1, recursion-1));
        end if;
        --  We have first a DL code of length 'length-1'. The real compression would try to
        --  look for a full expansion if it is more probable (=> less space). We simulate that.
        for x in 0 .. length-2 loop
          b:= Text_Buf((R + UInt32(x) - UInt32(distance)) and Text_Buf_Mask);
            b              => b,
            b_match        => Text_Buf((R + UInt32(x) - sim_rep_dist_0 - 1)  and Text_Buf_Mask),
            b_prev         => sim_prev_byte,
            offset         => Data_Bytes_Count(x),
            sim_state      => sim_state,
            sim_rep_dist_0 => sim_rep_dist_0,
            prob           => prob
          if prob < dlc then
            --  Expansion would be less efficient, so we simulate the DL code.
            prob:= dlc;
            sim_prev_byte:= Text_Buf((R + UInt32(length-2) - UInt32(distance)) and Text_Buf_Mask);
            sim_state:= Update_State_Match(state);  --  !! approximative: could be a rep match (sigh)...
            --  The match (any: simple or repeat) always sets this:
            sim_rep_dist_0:= UInt32(distance) - 1;
          end if;
          sim_prev_byte:= b;
        end loop;
        --  In this scenario, the last byte of the match is always sent as a literal.
          --  Note that is there was a real DL code simulated, b = b_match :-)
          b              => Text_Buf((R + UInt32(length-1) - UInt32(distance))    and Text_Buf_Mask),
          b_match        => Text_Buf((R + UInt32(length-1) - sim_rep_dist_0 - 1)  and Text_Buf_Mask),
          b_prev         => sim_prev_byte,
          offset         => Data_Bytes_Count(length-1),
          sim_state      => sim_state,
          sim_rep_dist_0 => sim_rep_dist_0,
          prob           => prob
        return prob;
      end DL_code_then_Literal;

    end Predicted;

    --  This part processes the case where LZ77 sends a literal (a plain text byte)  --

    procedure Write_Literal (prob: in out CProb_array; symbol: in UInt32) is
      symb: UInt32:= symbol or 16#100#;
        Encode_Bit( --  Prob. offset is always 1, 2, 4, 8, .. , 128
          prob   => prob(Integer(Shift_Right(symb, 8)) + prob'First),
          symbol => Unsigned(Shift_Right(symb, 7)) and 1
        symb:= Shift_Left(symb, 1);
        exit when symb >= 16#10000#;
      end loop;
    end Write_Literal;

    procedure Write_Literal_Matched (prob: in out CProb_array; symbol, matched: in UInt32) is
      symb: UInt32:= symbol or 16#100#;
      offs: UInt32:= 16#100#;
      match: UInt32:= matched;
        match:= Shift_Left(match, 1);
          prob   => prob(Integer(offs + (match and offs) + Shift_Right(symb, 8)) + prob'First),
          symbol => Unsigned(Shift_Right(symb, 7)) and 1
        symb:= Shift_Left(symb, 1);
        offs:= offs and not (match xor symb);
        exit when symb >= 16#10000#;
      end loop;
    end Write_Literal_Matched;

    use type Predicted.MProb;
    quick: constant Boolean:= level <= Level_1;

    procedure LZ77_emits_literal_byte (b: Byte) is
      pb_lit_idx : constant Integer:= Idx_for_Literal_prob(total_pos, prev_byte);
      b_match: constant Byte:= Text_Buf((R - rep_dist(0) - 1) and Text_Buf_Mask);
      if b = b_match and then total_pos > Data_Bytes_Count(rep_dist(0) + 1)
        and then
             or else
           Predicted.Short_Rep_Match(state, pos_state) >
           Predicted.Strict_Literal(b, b_match, probs.lit(pb_lit_idx..probs.lit'Last), state, pos_state))
        --  We are lucky: both bytes are the same. No literal to encode, "Short Rep Match"
        --  case, and its cost (4 bits) is more affordable than the literal's cost.
        Encode_Bit(probs.switch.match(state, pos_state), DL_code_choice);
        Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep(state), Rep_match_choice);
        Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), The_distance_is_rep0_choice);
        Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep0_long(state, pos_state), The_length_is_1_choice);
        state := Update_State_ShortRep(state);
        Encode_Bit(probs.switch.match(state, pos_state), Literal_choice);
        if state < 7 then
          Write_Literal(probs.lit(pb_lit_idx..probs.lit'Last), UInt32(b));
          Write_Literal_Matched(probs.lit(pb_lit_idx..probs.lit'Last), UInt32(b), UInt32(b_match));
        end if;
        state := Update_State_Literal(state);
      end if;
      total_pos:= total_pos + 1;
      prev_byte:= b;
      Text_Buf(R):= b;
      R:= (R + 1) and Text_Buf_Mask;  --  This is mod String_buffer_size
    end LZ77_emits_literal_byte;

    --  This part processes the case where LZ77 sends a Distance-Length (DL) code  --

    procedure Bit_Tree_Encode(
      prob     : in out CProb_array;
      num_bits :        Positive;
      symbol   :        Unsigned)
      bit, m: Unsigned;
      m:= 1;
      for i in reverse 0 .. num_bits - 1 loop
        bit:= Unsigned(Shift_Right(UInt32(symbol), i)) and 1;
        Encode_Bit(prob(Integer(m) + prob'First), bit);
        m:= m + m + bit;
      end loop;
    end Bit_Tree_Encode;

    procedure Encode_Length(probs_len: in out Probs_for_LZ_Lengths; length: Unsigned) is
      len: Unsigned:= length - Min_match_length;
      if len < Len_low_symbols then
        Encode_Bit(probs_len.choice_1, 0);
        --  LZ length in [2..9], i.e. len in [0..7]
        Bit_Tree_Encode(probs_len.low_coder(pos_state), Len_low_bits, len);
        Encode_Bit(probs_len.choice_1, 1);
        len:= len - Len_low_symbols;
        if len < Len_mid_symbols then
          Encode_Bit(probs_len.choice_2, 0);
          --  LZ length in [10..17], i.e. len in [0..7]
          Bit_Tree_Encode(probs_len.mid_coder(pos_state), Len_mid_bits, len);
          Encode_Bit(probs_len.choice_2, 1);
          len:= len - Len_mid_symbols;
          --  LZ length in [18..273], i.e. len in [0..255]
          Bit_Tree_Encode(probs_len.high_coder, Len_high_bits, len);
        end if;
      end if;
    end Encode_Length;

    procedure Write_Simple_Match(distance: UInt32; length: Unsigned) is
      procedure Bit_Tree_Reverse_Encode(
        prob    : in out CProb_array;
        num_bits: in     Natural;
        symbol  : in     UInt32
        symb: UInt32:= symbol;
        m: Unsigned := 1;
        bit: Unsigned;
        for count in reverse 1 .. num_bits loop
          bit:= Unsigned(symb) and 1;
          Encode_Bit(prob(Integer(m) + prob'First), bit);
          m := m + m + bit;
          symb:= Shift_Right(symb, 1);
        end loop;
      end Bit_Tree_Reverse_Encode;

      --  Range encoding of num_bits with equiprobability.
      procedure Encode_Direct_Bits(value: UInt32; num_bits: Natural) is
        for i in reverse 0 .. num_bits - 1 loop
          --  Bound is the half width. New width is halved anyway.
          range_enc.width:= Shift_Right(range_enc.width, 1);
          --  Either low is unchanged (bit=0), or new low := old low + bound (bit=1).
          range_enc.low := range_enc.low +
            (UInt64(range_enc.width) and (0 - UInt64(Shift_Right(value, i) and 1)));
        end loop;
      end Encode_Direct_Bits;
      procedure Encode_Distance is
        len_state : constant Unsigned := Unsigned'Min(length - 2, Len_to_pos_states - 1);
        dist_slot : constant Unsigned := Get_dist_slot(distance);
        base, dist_reduced: UInt32;
        footerBits: Natural;
        Bit_Tree_Encode(probs.dist.slot_coder(len_state), Dist_slot_bits, dist_slot);
        if dist_slot >= Start_dist_model_index then
          footerBits := Natural(Shift_Right(UInt32(dist_slot), 1)) - 1;
          base := Shift_Left(UInt32(2 or (dist_slot and 1)), footerBits);
          dist_reduced := distance - base;
          if dist_slot < End_dist_model_index then
              probs.dist.pos_coder(Integer(base) - Integer(dist_slot) - 1 .. Pos_coder_range'Last),
            Encode_Direct_Bits(Shift_Right(dist_reduced, Align_bits), footerBits - Align_bits);
              dist_reduced and Align_mask
          end if;
        end if;
      end Encode_Distance;
      Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep(state), Simple_match_choice);
      state := Update_State_Match(state);
      Encode_Length(probs.len, length);
      --  Shift the stack of recent distances; the new distance becomes the first item.
      for i in reverse 1 .. Repeat_stack_range'Last loop
        rep_dist(i) := rep_dist(i-1);
      end loop;
      rep_dist(0) := distance;
    end Write_Simple_Match;

    procedure Write_Repeat_Match(index: Repeat_stack_range; length: Unsigned) is
      aux: UInt32;
      Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep(state), Rep_match_choice);
      case index is
        when 0 =>
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), The_distance_is_rep0_choice);
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep0_long(state, pos_state), The_length_is_not_1_choice);
        when 1 =>
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), The_distance_is_not_rep0_choice);
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g1(state), The_distance_is_rep1_choice);
        when 2 =>
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), The_distance_is_not_rep0_choice);
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g1(state), The_distance_is_not_rep1_choice);
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g2(state), The_distance_is_rep2_choice);
        when 3 =>
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g0(state), The_distance_is_not_rep0_choice);
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g1(state), The_distance_is_not_rep1_choice);
          Encode_Bit(probs.switch.rep_g2(state), The_distance_is_not_rep2_choice);
      end case;
      --  Roll the stack of recent distances up to the found item, which becomes first.
      aux:= rep_dist(index);
      for i in reverse 1..index loop
        rep_dist(i) := rep_dist(i-1);
      end loop;
      rep_dist(0):= aux;
      Encode_Length(probs.rep_len, length);
      state := Update_State_Rep(state);
    end Write_Repeat_Match;

    procedure LZ77_emits_DL_code (distance: Integer; length: Match_length_range) is
      Copy_start: constant UInt32:= (R - UInt32(distance)) and Text_Buf_Mask;
      dist_ip: constant UInt32:= UInt32(distance - 1);
      found_repeat: Integer:= rep_dist'First - 1;
      short: constant:= 18;  --  tuned - magic
      use Predicted;
      strict_dlc, expanded_dlc, any_dlc, dlc_after_lit, dl_then_lit, head_lit: MProb;
      b_head, b_match, b_tail: Byte;
      dlc_computed: Boolean:= False;
      procedure Compute_dlc_variants is
        if not dlc_computed then
          strict_dlc:= Predicted.Strict_DL_code(distance, length, state, pos_state) *
          expanded_dlc:= Predicted.Expanded_DL_code(distance, length, strict_dlc);
          any_dlc:= MProb'Max(strict_dlc, expanded_dlc);
          dlc_computed:= True;
        end if;
      end Compute_dlc_variants;
      sim_pos_state : Pos_state_range;
      --  DL code of small length. It may be better just to expand it, fully or partially.
      if (not quick) and then length <= short and then distance >= length then
        --  Consider shorten the DL code's length
        if length > Min_match_length then
          b_head  := Text_Buf(Copy_start and Text_Buf_Mask);
          b_match := Text_Buf((R - rep_dist(0) - 1) and Text_Buf_Mask);
          head_lit:= Any_literal(b_head, b_match, prev_byte, state, 0);
          --  Literal + shorter DL (naive approach)
          if head_lit >= Predicted.Lit_then_DL_threshold then
            LZ77_emits_DL_code (distance, length-1);
          end if;
          --  Literal + shorter DL
          sim_pos_state := Pos_state_range(UInt32(total_pos+1) and pos_bits_mask);
          dlc_after_lit:= Predicted.Strict_DL_code(distance, length-1, Update_State_Literal(state), sim_pos_state);
          if head_lit * dlc_after_lit * Predicted.Malus_lit_then_DL > any_dlc then
            LZ77_emits_DL_code (distance, length-1);
          end if;
          --  Shorter DL + literal
            Predicted.DL_code_then_Literal(distance, length, 1) *
          if dl_then_lit > any_dlc then
            b_tail := Text_Buf((Copy_start + UInt32(length-1)) and Text_Buf_Mask);
            LZ77_emits_DL_code(distance, length-1);
          end if;
        end if;
        if expanded_dlc > strict_dlc then
          --  Full expansion of DL code as literals
          for x in 1 .. length loop
            LZ77_emits_literal_byte(Text_Buf((Copy_start + UInt32(x-1)) and Text_Buf_Mask));
          end loop;
        end if;
      end if;
      --  Go for the DL code, stricto sensu.
      Encode_Bit(probs.switch.match(state, pos_state), DL_code_choice);
      for i in rep_dist'Range loop
        if dist_ip = rep_dist(i) then
          found_repeat:= i;
        end if;
      end loop;
      if found_repeat >= rep_dist'First
        and then
             or else
           Predicted.Repeat_Match(found_repeat, Unsigned(length)) >=
           Predicted.Simple_Match(dist_ip, Unsigned(length)) *
        Write_Repeat_Match(found_repeat, Unsigned(length));
        Write_Simple_Match(dist_ip, Unsigned(length));
      end if;
      total_pos:= total_pos + Data_Bytes_Count(length);
      --  Expand in the circular text buffer to have it up to date
      for K in 0 .. UInt32(length-1) loop
        Text_Buf(R):= Text_Buf((Copy_start + K) and Text_Buf_Mask);
        R:= (R + 1) and Text_Buf_Mask;  --  This is mod String_buffer_size
      end loop;
      prev_byte:= Text_Buf((R - 1) and Text_Buf_Mask);
    end LZ77_emits_DL_code;

    procedure My_LZ77 is
      new LZ77.Encode
        ( String_buffer_size => String_buffer_size(level),
          Look_Ahead         => Max_length(level),
          Threshold          => Min_length(level) - 1,
          Method             => LZ77_choice(level),
          Read_byte          => Read_byte,
          More_bytes         => More_bytes,
          Write_literal      => LZ77_emits_literal_byte,
          Write_DL_code      => LZ77_emits_DL_code

    procedure Write_LZMA_header is
      dw: UInt32:= params.dict_size;
      uw: Data_Bytes_Count:= params.unpack_size;
      --  5-byte header
      Write_byte(Byte( + 9 * params.lp + 9 * 5 * params.pb));
      for i in 0 .. 3 loop
        Write_byte(Byte(dw mod 256));
        dw:= dw / 256;
      end loop;
      --  8 bytes for unpacked size; optional => you need a "pre-header" with that option :-(
      if params.header_has_size then
        for i in 0 .. 7 loop
          if params.unpack_size_defined then
            Write_byte(Byte(uw mod 256));
            uw:= uw / 256;
          end if;
        end loop;
      end if;
    end Write_LZMA_header;

    if level = Level_0 then
      while More_bytes loop
      end loop;
    end if;
    if params.has_end_mark then
      --  The end-of-stream marker is a fake "Simple Match" with a special distance.
      Encode_Bit(probs.switch.match(state, pos_state), DL_code_choice);
      Write_Simple_Match(distance => 16#FFFF_FFFF#, length => Min_match_length);
    end if;
  end Encode;

end LZMA.Encoding;

Zip-Ada: Ada library for zip archive files (.zip). Ada programming.
Some news about Zip-Ada and other related Ada projects on Gautier's blog.