Back to... Zip-Ada

Source file : summary.adb

--  File:            Summary.adb
--  Description:     Part of the UnZipAda demo

with Zip;

package body Summary is

  procedure Reset is
    total_uncompressed     := 0;
    total_compressed       := 0;
    total_entries          := 0;
    files_per_method       := (others => 0);
    uncompressed_per_method:= (others => 0);
    compressed_per_method  := (others => 0);
  end Reset;

  function Nice_image(format: UnZip.PKZip_method) return String is
    img_stuffed: String(1..UnZip.PKZip_method'Width):= (others=> ' ');
    img: constant String:= Zip.Image(format);
    img_stuffed(1..img'Length):= img;
    return img_stuffed;
  end Nice_image;

end Summary;

Zip-Ada: Ada library for zip archive files (.zip). Ada programming.
Some news about Zip-Ada and other related Ada projects on Gautier's blog.