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Source file :

-- UnZip.Decompress
-- Private, internal to the UnZip package.
-- Created 9-Mar-2007
-- This package includes the decompression algorithms for methods
-- Store, Reduce, Shrink (LZW), Implode, Deflate, BZip2 and LZMA.
-- The package body contains the packages UnZ_IO, UnZ_Glob, UnZ_Infl,
-- UnZ_Olds and UnZ_Misc that were separate in previous versions of Zip-Ada.
-- They became local packages inside the Decompress_Data procedure.
-- Previously global variables are since then local and task-safe
-- with one copy per concurrent call.

with Zip.Headers;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;             use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Zip_Streams;

private package UnZip.Decompress is

   procedure Decompress_data(
    zip_file                   : in out Zip_Streams.Root_Zipstream_Type'Class;
    -- zip_file must be open and its index is meant
    -- to point to the beginning of compressed data
    format                     : PKZip_method;
    mode                       : Write_mode;
    output_file_name           : String; -- relevant only if mode = write_to_file
    output_memory_access       : out p_Stream_Element_Array; -- \ = write_to_memory
    output_stream_access       : p_Stream;                   -- \ = write_to_stream
    feedback                   : Zip.Feedback_proc;
    explode_literal_tree       : Boolean; -- relevant for the "explode" format
    explode_slide_8KB_LZMA_EOS : Boolean; -- relevant for the "explode" and "LZMA" formats
    data_descriptor_after_data : Boolean;
    is_encrypted               : Boolean;
    password                   : in out Unbounded_String;
    get_new_password           : Get_password_proc; -- if null, initial pwd must fit
    hint                       : in out Zip.Headers.Local_File_Header
    -- Values are known, or smart fakes, and are later corrected if a closing
    -- Data_descriptor is appended to the compressed data (1-pass written
    -- zip files, like JAR, OpenDocument, etc.)


  --  When deflate_strict = True, stop if there is an incomplete Huffman
  --  code set for decoding LZ distances. This is the correct and safe behaviour.
  --  When dealing with Zip files from some old compression programs like PKZIP 1.93a,
  --  the check can be bypassed with deflate_strict = False, but this lessens the
  --  data error detection.
  deflate_strict: constant Boolean:= True;

  -- Primitive tracing using Ada.Text_IO, plus a few statistics
  type Trace_type is (none, some_t, full);

  trace: constant Trace_type:= none; --  <==  Choice is here

  no_trace  : constant Boolean:= trace = none;
  some_trace: constant Boolean:= trace >= some_t;
  full_trace: constant Boolean:= trace = full;

end UnZip.Decompress;

Zip-Ada: Ada library for zip archive files (.zip). Ada programming.
Some news about Zip-Ada and other related Ada projects on Gautier's blog.