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Source file :

--  ________  ___   ______       ______      ___
-- /___..._/  |.|   |.___.\     /. __ .\   __|.|   ____
--    /../    |.|   |.____/     |.|__|.|  /....|  __\..\
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-- /_______/  |_|  /__|        /__|  |_|  \__\_|  \__\_|

-- UnZip.Streams
-- Extracts, as a stream, a file which is has been compressed into a Zip archive.
-- The Zip archive itself (the input) can be a file or a more general stream.
-- This package is resembling Ada.Streams.Stream_IO, to facilitate transition.

with Zip, Zip_Streams;

with Ada.Streams, Ada.IO_Exceptions;

package UnZip.Streams is

   --                           ** Input Stream **                           --
   --                                                                        --
   --  Extract a Zip archive entry as an input stream.                       --
   --                                                                        --
   --  The workflow is similar to a "physical" file's:                       --
   --                                                                        --
   --    - Open z: Zipped_File_Type                                          --
   --    - do something with Stream(z), usually: read the data               --
   --    - Close z                                                           --
   --                                                                        --
   --  NB: the whole entry is unpacked into memory at Open, so it uses       --
   --      the uncompressed amount as work memory between Open and Close.    --

   type Zipped_File_Type is private;

   -- Opens an input stream for the compressed file named Name stored
   -- in the archive file named Archive_Name. The function Stream(..)
   -- then gives access to the opened stream.

   -- Version: Zip as a file
   procedure Open
     (File             : in out Zipped_File_Type; -- File-in-archive handle
      Archive_Name     : in String;               -- Name of archive file
      Name             : in String;               -- Name of zipped entry
      Password         : in String  := "";        -- Decryption password
      Case_sensitive   : in Boolean := False;
      Ignore_Directory : in Boolean := False      -- True: will open Name in first directory found

   -- Version: Zip as a stream
   procedure Open
     (File             : in out Zipped_File_Type; -- File-in-archive handle
      Archive_Stream   : in out Zip_Streams.Root_Zipstream_Type'Class; -- Archive's stream
      Name             : in String;               -- Name of zipped entry
      Password         : in String  := "";        -- Decryption password
      Case_sensitive   : in Boolean := False;
      Ignore_Directory : in Boolean := False      -- True: will open Name in first directory found

   -- Same as above, but uses a the pre-loaded contents of the archive's
   -- Central Directory; hence Archive_Info is passed instead of
   -- Archive_Name or Archive_Stream.
   -- You need to call Zip.Load( Archive_Info... ) prior to opening the
   -- compressed file.

   procedure Open
     (File             : in out Zipped_File_Type; -- File-in-archive handle
      Archive_Info     : in Zip.Zip_info;         -- Archive's Zip_info
      Name             : in String;               -- Name of zipped entry
      Password         : in String  := "";        -- Decryption password
      Ignore_Directory : in Boolean := False      -- True: will open Name in first directory found

   procedure Close (File : in out Zipped_File_Type);

   function Is_Open     (File : in Zipped_File_Type) return Boolean;
   function End_Of_File (File : in Zipped_File_Type) return Boolean;

   type Stream_Access is access all Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;

   -- The function Stream gives access to the uncompressed data as input --
   function Stream (File : Zipped_File_Type) return Stream_Access;

   Use_Error    : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error;
   End_Error    : exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.End_Error;

   --                    ** Output Stream **                       --
   --                                                              --
   --  Extract a Zip archive entry to an available output stream.  --
   --                                                              --
   --  NB: the memory footprint is limited to the decompression    --
   --      structures and buffering, so the outward stream can be  --
   --      an interesting alternative to the inward, albeit less   --
   --      comfortable.                                            --
   --                                                              --

   procedure Extract(
     Destination      : in out Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
     Archive_Info     : in Zip.Zip_info;         -- Archive's Zip_info
     Name             : in String;               -- Name of zipped entry
     Password         : in String  := "";        -- Decryption password
     Ignore_Directory : in Boolean := False      -- True: will open Name in first directory found


   type UZS_state is (
      data_uncompressed, -- In that model, all data is unzipped in one
                         --   time, into memory. If you have a smarter
                         --   idea (small buffer with tasking, write me!)
      end_of_zip         -- We have reached the end, not yet closed

   type p_String is access String;

   type UnZip_Stream_Type is new Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type with record
      state        : UZS_state:= uninitialized;
      archive_info : Zip.Zip_info; -- archive info (.zip file, directory)
      delete_info_on_closing : Boolean;
      file_name    : p_String; -- name of zipped file to unzip from archive
      uncompressed : p_Stream_Element_Array; -- whole uncompressed data
      index        : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset;
   end record;

   procedure Read
     (Stream : in out UnZip_Stream_Type;
      Item   :    out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
      Last   :    out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset);

   procedure Write
     (Stream : in out UnZip_Stream_Type;
      Item   : in     Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array);

   type Zipped_File_Type is access UnZip_Stream_Type;

end UnZip.Streams;

Zip-Ada: Ada library for zip archive files (.zip). Ada programming.
Some news about Zip-Ada and other related Ada projects on Gautier's blog.