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Source file : zip-compress-deflate.adb

--  The "Deflate" method combines a LZ77 compression
--  method with some Huffman encoding gymnastics.
--  Magic numbers in this procedure are adjusted through experimentation and marked with: *Tuned*
--  To do:
--    - Taillaule: try with slider and/or initial lz window not centered
--    - Taillaule: compare slider to random and fixed in addition to initial
--    - Taillaule: try L_sup distance
--    - Taillaule: restrict BL_Vector to short LZ distances (long distances perhaps too random)
--    - Taillaule: check LZ vector norms on literals only, too (consider distances & lengths as noise)
--    - Taillaule: use a corpus of files badly compressed by our Deflate comparatively
--        to other Deflates (e.g. 7Z seems better with databases)
--    - Add DeflOpt to slowest method, or approximate it by tweaking
--        distance and length statistics before computing their Huffman codes, or
--        reinvent it by computing the size of emitted codes and trying slight changes
--        to the codes' bit lengths.
--    - Improve LZ77 compression: see Zip.LZ77 to-do list; check with bypass_LZ77 below
--        and various programs based on LZ77 using the trace >= some and the LZ77 dump
--        in UnZip.Decompress.
--    - Make this procedure standalone & generic like LZMA.Encoding;
--        use it in the Zada project (Zlib replacement)
--  Change log:
--  16-Mar-2016: Taillaule algorithm: first version ready for release.
--  20-Feb-2016: (rev.305) Start of smarter techniques for "Dynamic" encoding: Taillaule algorithm
--   4-Feb-2016: Start of "Dynamic" encoding format (compression structure sent before block)
--  19-Feb-2011: All distance and length codes implemented.
--  18-Feb-2011: First version working with Deflate fixed and restricted distance & length codes.
--  17-Feb-2011: Created.

with LZ77, Zip.CRC_Crypto;
with Zip_Streams;

with Length_limited_Huffman_code_lengths;

with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;               use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Text_IO;                       use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;

with Interfaces;                        use Interfaces;

procedure Zip.Compress.Deflate
  output          : in out Zip_Streams.Root_Zipstream_Type'Class;
  input_size_known: Boolean;
  input_size      : File_size_type;
  feedback        : Feedback_proc;
  method          : Deflation_Method;
  CRC             : in out Interfaces.Unsigned_32; -- only updated here
  crypto          : in out Crypto_pack;
  output_size     : out File_size_type;
  compression_ok  : out Boolean -- indicates compressed < uncompressed
  use Zip_Streams;

  --  Options for testing.
  --  All should be on False for normal use of this procedure.

  bypass_LZ77         : constant Boolean:= False;  --  Use LZ data encoded by another program
  deactivate_scanning : constant Boolean:= False;  --  Impact analysis of the scanning method
  trace               : constant Boolean:= False;  --  Log file with details

  --  A log file is used when trace = True.
  log         : File_Type;
  log_name    : constant String:= "Zip.Compress.Deflate.zcd";  --  A CSV with an unusual extension
  sep         : constant Character:= ';';

  -- Buffered I/O - byte granularity --

  --  Define data types needed to implement input and output file buffers

  procedure Dispose_Buffer is
    new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Byte_Buffer, p_Byte_Buffer);

  InBuf: p_Byte_Buffer;  --  I/O buffers
  OutBuf: p_Byte_Buffer;

  InBufIdx : Positive;      --  Points to next char in buffer to be read
  OutBufIdx: Positive := 1; --  Points to next free space in output buffer

  MaxInBufIdx: Natural;  --  Count of valid chars in input buffer
  InputEoF: Boolean;     --  End of file indicator

  procedure Read_Block is
      stream        => input,
      buffer        => InBuf.all,
      actually_read => MaxInBufIdx
    InputEoF:= MaxInBufIdx = 0;
    InBufIdx := 1;
  end Read_Block;

  -- Exception for the case where compression works but produces
  -- a bigger file than the file to be compressed (data is too "random").
  Compression_inefficient: exception;

  procedure Write_Block is
    amount: constant Integer:= OutBufIdx-1;
    output_size:= output_size + File_size_type(Integer'Max(0,amount));
    if input_size_known and then output_size >= input_size then
      -- The compression so far is obviously inefficient for that file.
      -- Useless to go further.
      -- Stop immediately before growing the file more than the
      -- uncompressed size.
      raise Compression_inefficient;
    end if;
    Encode(crypto, OutBuf(1 .. amount));
    Zip.BlockWrite(output, OutBuf(1 .. amount));
    OutBufIdx := 1;
  end Write_Block;

  procedure Put_byte(B : Byte) is  --  Put a byte, at the byte granularity level
  pragma Inline(Put_byte);
    OutBuf(OutBufIdx) := B;
    OutBufIdx:= OutBufIdx + 1;
    if OutBufIdx > OutBuf'Last then
    end if;
  end Put_byte;

  procedure Flush_byte_buffer is
    if OutBufIdx > 1 then
    end if;
  end Flush_byte_buffer;

  --  Bit code buffer, for sending data at bit level  --

  --  Output buffer. Bits are inserted starting at the right (least
  --  significant bits). The width of bit_buffer must be at least 16 bits.
  subtype U32 is Unsigned_32;
  bit_buffer: U32:= 0;
  --  Number of valid bits in bit_buffer.  All bits above the last valid bit are always zero.
  valid_bits: Integer:= 0;

  procedure Flush_bit_buffer is
    while valid_bits > 0 loop
      Put_byte(Byte(bit_buffer and 16#FF#));
      bit_buffer:= Shift_Right(bit_buffer, 8);
      valid_bits := Integer'Max(0, valid_bits - 8);
    end loop;
    bit_buffer := 0;
  end Flush_bit_buffer;

  --  Bit codes are at most 15 bits for Huffman codes,
  --  or 13 for explicit codes (distance extra bits).
  subtype Code_size_type is Integer range 1..15;

  --  Send a value on a given number of bits.
  procedure Put_code(code: U32; code_size: Code_size_type) is
  pragma Inline(Put_code);
    --  Put bits from code at the left of existing ones. They might be shifted away
    --  partially on the left side (or even entirely if valid_bits is already = 32).
    bit_buffer:= bit_buffer or Shift_Left(code, valid_bits);
    valid_bits:= valid_bits + code_size;
    if valid_bits > 32 then
      --  Flush 32 bits to output as 4 bytes
      Put_byte(Byte(bit_buffer and 16#FF#));
      Put_byte(Byte(Shift_Right(bit_buffer,  8) and 16#FF#));
      Put_byte(Byte(Shift_Right(bit_buffer, 16) and 16#FF#));
      Put_byte(Byte(Shift_Right(bit_buffer, 24) and 16#FF#));
      valid_bits:= valid_bits - 32;
      --  Empty buffer and put on it the rest of the code
      bit_buffer := Shift_Right(code, code_size - valid_bits);
    end if;
  end Put_code;

  -- Deflate, post LZ encoding, with Huffman encoding --

  invalid: constant:= -1;

  subtype Huffman_code_range is Integer range invalid .. Integer'Last;

  type Length_code_pair is record
    bit_length : Natural;                       --  Huffman code length, in bits
    code       : Huffman_code_range:= invalid;  --  The code itself
  end record;

  procedure Invert(lc: in out Length_code_pair) is
  pragma Inline(Invert);
    a: Natural:= lc.code;
    b: Natural:= 0;
    for i in loop
      b:= b * 2 + a mod 2;
      a:= a / 2;
    end loop;
    lc.code:= b;
  end Invert;

  --  The Huffman code set (and therefore the Huffman tree) is completely determined by
  --  the bit length to be used for reaching leaf nodes, thanks to two special
  --  rules (explanation in RFC 1951, section 3.2.2).
  --  So basically the process is the following:
  --     (A) Gather statistics (just counts) for the alphabet.
  --     (B) Turn these counts into code lengths, by calling Length_limited_Huffman_code_lengths.
  --     (C) Build Huffman codes (the bits to be sent) with a call to Prepare_Huffman_codes.
  --  In short:
  --     data -> (A) -> stats -> (B) -> Huffman codes' bit lengths -> (C) -> Huffman codes

  type Huff_descriptor is array(Natural range <>) of Length_code_pair;

  type Bit_length_array is array(Natural range <>) of Natural;
  subtype Alphabet_lit_len is Natural range 0..287;
  subtype Bit_length_array_lit_len is Bit_length_array(Alphabet_lit_len);
  subtype Alphabet_dis is Natural range 0..31;
  subtype Bit_length_array_dis is Bit_length_array(Alphabet_dis);

  type Deflate_Huff_descriptors is record
    --  Tree descriptor for Literal, EOB or Length encoding
    lit_len: Huff_descriptor(0..287);
    --  Tree descriptor for Distance encoding
    dis: Huff_descriptor(0..31);
  end record;
  --  NB: Appnote: "Literal codes 286-287 and distance codes 30-31 are never used
  --                  but participate in the Huffman construction."
  --  Setting upper bound to 285 for literals leads to invalid codes, sometimes.

  --  Copy bit length vectors into Deflate Huffman descriptors
  function Build_descriptors(
    bl_for_lit_len : Bit_length_array_lit_len;
    bl_for_dis     : Bit_length_array_dis
  return Deflate_Huff_descriptors
    new_d: Deflate_Huff_descriptors;
    for i in new_d.lit_len'Range loop
      new_d.lit_len(i):= (bit_length => bl_for_lit_len(i), code => invalid);
      if trace and then Is_Open(log) then
        Put(log, Integer'Image(bl_for_lit_len(i)) & sep);
      end if;
    end loop;
    for i in new_d.dis'Range loop
      new_d.dis(i):= (bit_length => bl_for_dis(i), code => invalid);
      if trace and then Is_Open(log) then
        Put(log, Integer'Image(bl_for_dis(i)) & sep);
      end if;
    end loop;
    if trace and then Is_Open(log) then
    end if;
    return new_d;
  end Build_descriptors;

  type Count_type is range 0..File_size_type'Last/2-1;
  type Stats_type is array(Natural range <>) of Count_type;

  --  The following is a translation of Zopfli's OptimizeHuffmanForRle (v. 11-May-2016).
  --  Possible gain: shorten the compression header containing the Huffman trees' bit lengths.
  --  Possible loss: since the stats do not correspond anymore exactly to the data
  --  to be compressed, the Huffman trees might be suboptimal.
  --  Zopfli comment:
  --  Changes the population counts in a way that the consequent Huffman tree
  --  compression, especially its rle-part, will be more likely to compress this data
  --  more efficiently.
  procedure Tweak_for_better_RLE(counts: in out Stats_type) is
    length: Integer:= counts'Length;
    stride: Integer;
    symbol, sum, limit, new_count: Count_type;
    good_for_rle: array(counts'Range) of Boolean:= (others => False);
    --  1) We don't want to touch the trailing zeros. We may break the
    --     rules of the format by adding more data in the distance codes.
      if length = 0 then
      end if;
      exit when counts(length - 1) /= 0;
      length:= length - 1;
    end loop;
    --  Now counts(0..length - 1) does not have trailing zeros.
    --  2) Let's mark all population counts that already can be encoded with an rle code.
    --  Let's not spoil any of the existing good rle codes.
    --  Mark any seq of 0's that is longer than 5 as a good_for_rle.
    --  Mark any seq of non-0's that is longer than 7 as a good_for_rle.
    symbol := counts(0);
    stride := 0;
    for i in 0 .. length loop
      if i = length or else counts(i) /= symbol then
        if (symbol = 0 and then stride >= 5) or else (symbol /= 0 and then stride >= 7) then
          for k in 0 .. stride - 1 loop
            good_for_rle(i - k - 1) := True;
          end loop;
        end if;
        stride := 1;
        if i /= length then
          symbol := counts(i);
        end if;
        stride:= stride + 1;
      end if;
    end loop;
    --  3) Let's replace those population counts that lead to more rle codes.
    stride := 0;
    limit := counts(0);
    sum := 0;
    for i in 0 .. length loop
      if i = length or else good_for_rle(i)
          or else (i > 0 and then good_for_rle(i - 1))  --  Added from Brotli, item #1
          --  Heuristic for selecting the stride ranges to collapse.
          or else abs(counts(i) - limit) >= 4
        if stride >= 4 or else (stride >= 3 and then sum = 0) then
          --  The stride must end, collapse what we have, if we have enough (4).
          --  GdM: new_count is the average of counts on the stride's interval, upper-rounded.
          new_count := Count_type'Max(1, (sum + Count_type(stride) / 2) / Count_type(stride));
          if sum = 0 then
            --  Don't make an all zeros stride to be upgraded to ones.
            new_count := 0;
          end if;
          for k in 0 .. stride - 1 loop
            --  We don't want to change value at counts(i),
            --  that is already belonging to the next stride. Thus - 1.
            counts(i - k - 1) := new_count;  --  GdM: Replace histogram value by averaged value.
          end loop;
        end if;
        stride := 0;
        sum := 0;
        if i < length - 3 then
          --  All interesting strides have a count of at least 4, at least when non-zeros.
          --  GdM: limit is the average of next 4 counts, upper-rounded.
          limit := (counts(i) + counts(i + 1) + counts(i + 2) + counts(i + 3) + 2) / 4;
        elsif i < length then
          limit := counts(i);
          limit := 0;
        end if;
      end if;
      stride := stride + 1;
      if i /= length then
        sum := sum + counts(i);
      end if;
    end loop;
  end Tweak_for_better_RLE;

  subtype Stats_lit_len_type is Stats_type(Alphabet_lit_len);
  subtype Stats_dis_type is Stats_type(Alphabet_dis);

  --  Phase (B) : we turn statistics into Huffman bit lengths.
  function Build_descriptors(
    stats_lit_len  : Stats_lit_len_type;
    stats_dis      : Stats_dis_type
  return Deflate_Huff_descriptors
    bl_for_lit_len : Bit_length_array_lit_len;
    bl_for_dis     : Bit_length_array_dis;
    procedure LLHCL_lit_len is new
        Alphabet_lit_len, Count_type, Stats_lit_len_type, Bit_length_array_lit_len, 15
    procedure LLHCL_dis is new
        Alphabet_dis, Count_type, Stats_dis_type, Bit_length_array_dis, 15
    stats_dis_copy : Stats_dis_type:= stats_dis;
    used           : Natural:= 0;
    --  See "PatchDistanceCodesForBuggyDecoders" in Zopfli's deflate.c
    --  NB: here, we patch the occurrences and not the bit lengths, to avoid invalid codes.
    --  The decoding bug concerns Zlib v.<= 1.2.1, UnZip v.<= 6.0, WinZip v.10.0.
    for i in stats_dis_copy'Range loop
      if stats_dis_copy(i) /= 0 then
        used:= used + 1;
      end if;
    end loop;
    if used < 2 then
      if used = 0 then  --  No distance code used at all (data must be almost random)
        stats_dis_copy(0) := 1;
        stats_dis_copy(1) := 1;
      elsif stats_dis_copy(0) = 0 then
        stats_dis_copy(0) := 1;  --  now code 0 and some other code have non-zero counts
        stats_dis_copy(1) := 1;  --  now codes 0 and 1 have non-zero counts
      end if;
    end if;
    LLHCL_lit_len(stats_lit_len, bl_for_lit_len);  --  Call the magic algorithm for setting
    LLHCL_dis(stats_dis_copy, bl_for_dis);         --    up Huffman lengths of both trees
    return Build_descriptors(bl_for_lit_len, bl_for_dis);
  end Build_descriptors;

  --  Here is one original part in the Taillaule algorithm: use of basic
  --  topology (L1, L2 distances) to check similarities between Huffman code sets.

  --  Bit length vector. Convention: 16 is unused bit length (close to the bit length for the
  --  rarest symbols, 15, and far from the bit length for the most frequent symbols, 1).
  --  Deflate uses 0 for unused.
  type BL_vector is array(1..288+32) of Integer range 1..16;

  function Convert(h: Deflate_Huff_descriptors) return BL_vector is
    bv: BL_vector;
    j: Positive:= 1;
    for i in h.lit_len'Range loop
      if h.lit_len(i).bit_length = 0 then
        bv(j):= 16;
        bv(j):= h.lit_len(i).bit_length;
      end if;
      j:= j + 1;
    end loop;
    for i in h.dis'Range loop
      if h.dis(i).bit_length = 0 then
        bv(j):= 16;
        bv(j):= h.dis(i).bit_length;
      end if;
      j:= j + 1;
    end loop;
    return bv;
  end Convert;

  --  L1 or Manhattan distance
  function L1_distance(b1, b2: BL_vector) return Natural is
    s: Natural:= 0;
    for i in b1'Range loop
      s:= s + abs(b1(i) - b2(i));
    end loop;
    return s;
  end L1_distance;

  --  L2 or Euclidean distance
  function L2_distance_square(b1, b2: BL_vector) return Natural is
    s: Natural:= 0;
    for i in b1'Range loop
      s:= s + (b1(i) - b2(i)) ** 2;
    end loop;
    return s;
  end L2_distance_square;

  type Distance_type is (L1, L2);

  function Similar(
    h1, h2    : Deflate_Huff_descriptors;
    dist_kind : Distance_type;
    threshold : Natural;
    comment   : String
  return Boolean is
    dist  : Natural;
    thres : Natural:= threshold;
    case dist_kind is
      when L1 =>
        dist:= L1_distance(Convert(h1), Convert(h2));
      when L2 =>
        thres := thres * thres;
        dist  := L2_distance_square(Convert(h1), Convert(h2));
    end case;
    if trace then
        "Checking similarity" & sep & sep & sep & sep & sep &
        Distance_type'Image(dist_kind) & sep &
        "Distance (ev. **2):" & sep & sep & sep & sep & Integer'Image(dist) & sep & sep &
        "Threshold (ev. **2):" & sep & sep & Integer'Image(thres) & sep & sep &
    end if;
    return dist < thres;
  end Similar;

  --  Another original part in the Taillaule algorithm: the possibility of recycling
  --  Huffman codes. It is possible only if previous block was not stored and if
  --  the new block's used alphabets are included in the old block's used alphabets.
  function Recyclable(h_old, h_new: Deflate_Huff_descriptors) return Boolean is
    for i in h_old.lit_len'Range loop
      if h_old.lit_len(i).bit_length = 0 and h_new.lit_len(i).bit_length > 0 then
        return False;  --  Code used in new, but not in old
      end if;
    end loop;
    for i in h_old.dis'Range loop
      if h_old.dis(i).bit_length = 0 and h_new.dis(i).bit_length > 0 then
        return False;  --  Code used in new, but not in old
      end if;
    end loop;
    return True;
  end Recyclable;

  --  Phase (C): the Prepare_Huffman_codes procedure finds the Huffman code for each
  --  value, given the bit length imposed as input.
  procedure Prepare_Huffman_codes(hd: in out Huff_descriptor) is
    max_huffman_bits: constant:= 15;
    bl_count, next_code: array(0..max_huffman_bits) of Natural:= (others => 0);
    code: Natural:= 0;
    bl: Natural;
    --  Algorithm from RFC 1951, section 3.2.2.
    --  Step 1)
    for i in hd'Range loop
      bl:= hd(i).bit_length;
      bl_count(bl):= bl_count(bl) + 1;  --  One more code to be defined with bit length bl
    end loop;
    --  Step 2)
    for bits in 1 .. max_huffman_bits loop
      code:= (code + bl_count(bits-1)) * 2;
      next_code(bits):= code;  --  This will be the first code for bit length "bits"
    end loop;
    --  Step 3)
    for n in hd'Range loop
      bl:= hd(n).bit_length;
      if bl > 0 then
        hd(n).code:= next_code(bl);
        next_code(bl):= next_code(bl) + 1;
        hd(n).code:= 0;
      end if;
    end loop;
    --  Invert bit order for output:
    for i in hd'Range loop
    end loop;
  end Prepare_Huffman_codes;

  --  This is the phase (C) for the pair of alphabets used in the Deflate format.
  function Prepare_Huffman_codes(dhd: Deflate_Huff_descriptors) return Deflate_Huff_descriptors
    dhd_var: Deflate_Huff_descriptors:= dhd;
    return dhd_var;
  end Prepare_Huffman_codes;

  --  Emit a variable length Huffman code
  procedure Put_Huffman_code(lc: Length_code_pair) is
  pragma Inline(Put_Huffman_code);
    --  Huffman code of length 0 should never occur: when constructing
    --  the code lengths (LLHCL) any single occurrence in the statistics
    --  will trigger the build of a code length of 1 or more.
      code      => U32(lc.code),
      code_size => Code_size_type(lc.bit_length)  --  Range check for length 0 (if enabled).
  end Put_Huffman_code;

  --  This is where the "dynamic" Huffman trees are sent before the block's data are sent.
  --  The decoder needs to know the tree pair (literal-eob-length, distance) for decoding data.
  --  But this information takes some room. Fortunately Deflate allows for compressing it
  --  with a combination of Huffman and Run-Length (RLE) encoding to make this header smaller.
  procedure Put_compression_structure(
    dhd           :        Deflate_Huff_descriptors;
    cost_analysis :        Boolean;  --  True: just simulate the whole and count needed bits
    bits          : in out Count_type
    subtype Alphabet is Integer range 0..18;
    type Alpha_Array is new Bit_length_array(Alphabet);
    truc_freq, truc_bl: Alpha_Array;
    truc: Huff_descriptor(Alphabet);
    max_used_lln_code: Alphabet_lit_len:= 0;
    max_used_dis_code: Alphabet_dis:= 0;
    type Emission_mode is (simulate, effective);
    procedure Emit_data_compression_structures(mode: Emission_mode) is
      procedure Emit_data_compression_atom(x: Natural; extra: U32:= 0; bits: Natural:= 0) is
      --  x is a bit length (value in 0..15), or a RLE instruction
        case mode is
          when simulate =>
            truc_freq(x):= truc_freq(x) + 1;  --  +1 for x's histogram bar
          when effective =>
            if bits > 0 then
              Put_code(extra, bits);
            end if;
        end case;
      end Emit_data_compression_atom;
      cs_bl: array(1 .. dhd.lit_len'Length + dhd.dis'Length) of Natural;
      last_cs_bl: Natural;
      idx: Natural:= 0;
      rep: Positive;  --  Number of times current atom is repeated, >= 1
      if mode = simulate then
        for a in reverse Alphabet_lit_len loop
          if dhd.lit_len(a).bit_length > 0 then
            max_used_lln_code:= a;
          end if;
        end loop;
        for a in reverse Alphabet_dis loop
          if dhd.dis(a).bit_length > 0 then
            max_used_dis_code:= a;
          end if;
        end loop;
      end if;
      --  Copy bit lengths for both trees into one array
      for a in 0..max_used_lln_code loop
        idx:= idx + 1;
        cs_bl(idx):= dhd.lit_len(a).bit_length;
      end loop;
      for a in 0..max_used_dis_code loop
        idx:= idx + 1;
        cs_bl(idx):= dhd.dis(a).bit_length;
      end loop;
      last_cs_bl:= idx;
      --  Emit the bit lengths, with some RLE encoding (Appnote: 5.5.3; RFC 1951: 3.2.7)
      idx:= 1;
        rep:= 1;  --  Current atom, cs_bl(idx), is repeated 1x so far - obvious, isn't it ?
        for j in idx + 1 .. last_cs_bl loop
          exit when cs_bl(j) /= cs_bl(idx);
          rep:= rep + 1;
        end loop;
        --  Now rep is the number of repetitions of current atom, including itself.
        if idx > 1 and then cs_bl(idx) = cs_bl(idx-1) and then rep >= 3
            --  Better repeat a long sequence of zeros by using codes 17 or 18
            --  just after a 138-long previous sequence:
          and then not (cs_bl(idx) = 0 and then rep > 6)
          rep:= Integer'Min(rep, 6);
          Emit_data_compression_atom(16, U32(rep-3), 2);    -- 16: "Repeat previous 3 to 6 times"
          idx:= idx + rep;
        elsif cs_bl(idx) = 0 and then rep >= 3 then
          --  The 0 bit length may occur on long ranges of an alphabet (unused symbols)
          if rep <= 10 then
            Emit_data_compression_atom(17, U32(rep-3), 3);  -- 17: "Repeat zero 3 to 10 times"
            rep:= Integer'Min(rep, 138);
            Emit_data_compression_atom(18, U32(rep-11), 7); -- 18: "Repeat zero 11 to 138 times"
          end if;
          idx:= idx + rep;
          idx:= idx + 1;
        end if;
        exit when idx > last_cs_bl;
      end loop;
    end Emit_data_compression_structures;
    --  Alphabet permutation for shortening in-use alphabet.
    --  After the RLE codes 16, 17, 18 and the bit length 0, which is assumed to be always used,
    --  the most usual bit lengths (around 8, which is the "neutral" bit length) appear first.
    --  For example, if the rare bit lengths 1 and 15 don't occur in any of the two Huffman trees
    --  for LZ data, then 1 and 15 have a length 0 in the local Alphabet and we can omit sending
    --  the last two lengths.
    alphabet_permutation : constant array (Alphabet) of Natural :=
       ( 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 );
    procedure LLHCL is new
      Length_limited_Huffman_code_lengths(Alphabet, Natural, Alpha_Array, Alpha_Array, 7);
    a_non_zero: Alphabet;
    extra_bits_needed : constant array (Alphabet) of Natural :=
       ( 16 => 2, 17 => 3, 18 => 7, others => 0);
    truc_freq:= (others => 0);
    --  We have now statistics of all bit lengths occurrences of both Huffman
    --  trees used for compressing the data.
    --  We turn these counts into bit lengths for the local tree
    --  that helps us to store the compression structure in a more compact form.
    LLHCL(truc_freq, truc_bl);  --  Call the magic algorithm for setting up Huffman lengths
    --  At least lengths for codes 16, 17, 18, 0 will always be sent,
    --  even if all other bit lengths are 0 because codes 1 to 15 are unused.
    a_non_zero:= 3;
    for a in Alphabet loop
      if a > a_non_zero and then truc_bl(alphabet_permutation(a)) > 0 then
        a_non_zero:= a;
      end if;
    end loop;
    if cost_analysis then
      bits:= bits + 14 + Count_type(1 + a_non_zero) * 3;
      for a in Alphabet loop
        bits:= bits + Count_type(truc_freq(a) * (truc_bl(a)+extra_bits_needed(a)));
      end loop;
    end if;
    for a in Alphabet loop
      truc(a).bit_length:= truc_bl(a);
    end loop;
    --  Output of the compression structure
    Put_code(U32(max_used_lln_code - 256), 5);  --  max_used_lln_code is always >= 256 = EOB code
    Put_code(U32(max_used_dis_code), 5);
    Put_code(U32(a_non_zero - 3), 4);
    --  Save the local alphabet's Huffman lengths. It's the compression structure
    --  for compressing the data compression structure. Easy, isn't it ?
    for a in 0..a_non_zero loop
      Put_code(U32(truc(alphabet_permutation(a)).bit_length), 3);
    end loop;
    --  Emit the Huffman lengths for encoding the data, in the local Huffman-encoded fashion.
  end Put_compression_structure;

  End_Of_Block: constant:= 256;

  --  Default Huffman trees, for "fixed" blocks, as defined in appnote.txt or RFC 1951
  default_lit_len_bl: constant Bit_length_array_lit_len:=
    (  0 .. 143   => 8,  --  For literals ("plain text" bytes)
     144 .. 255   => 9,  --  For more literals ("plain text" bytes)
     End_Of_Block => 7,  --  For EOB (256)
     257 .. 279   => 7,  --  For length codes
     280 .. 287   => 8   --  For more length codes
  default_dis_bl: constant Bit_length_array_dis:= (others => 5);

  Deflate_fixed_descriptors: constant Deflate_Huff_descriptors:=
    Prepare_Huffman_codes(Build_descriptors(default_lit_len_bl, default_dis_bl));

  --  Current tree descriptors
  curr_descr: Deflate_Huff_descriptors:= Deflate_fixed_descriptors;

  --  Write a normal, "clear-text" (post LZ, pre Huffman), 8-bit character (literal)
  procedure Put_literal_byte( b: Byte ) is
    Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.lit_len(Integer(b)) );
  end Put_literal_byte;

  --  Possible ranges for distance and length encoding in the Zip-Deflate format:
  subtype Length_range is Integer range 3 .. 258;
  subtype Distance_range is Integer range 1 .. 32768;

  --  This is where LZ distance-length tokens are written to the output stream.
  --  The Deflate format defines a sort of logarithmic compression, with codes
  --  for various distance and length ranges, plus extra bits for specifying the
  --  exact values. The codes are sent as Huffman codes with variable bit lengths
  --  (nothing to do with the lengths of LZ distance-length tokens).

  --                             Length Codes
  --                             ------------
  --      Extra             Extra              Extra              Extra
  -- Code Bits Length  Code Bits Lengths  Code Bits Lengths  Code Bits Length(s)
  -- ---- ---- ------  ---- ---- -------  ---- ---- -------  ---- ---- ---------
  --  257   0     3     265   1   11,12    273   3   35-42    281   5  131-162
  --  258   0     4     266   1   13,14    274   3   43-50    282   5  163-194
  --  259   0     5     267   1   15,16    275   3   51-58    283   5  195-226
  --  260   0     6     268   1   17,18    276   3   59-66    284   5  227-257
  --  261   0     7     269   2   19-22    277   4   67-82    285   0    258
  --  262   0     8     270   2   23-26    278   4   83-98
  --  263   0     9     271   2   27-30    279   4   99-114
  --  264   0    10     272   2   31-34    280   4  115-130
  --  Example: the code # 266 means the LZ length (# of message bytes to be copied)
  --           shall be 13 or 14, depending on the extra bit value.

  deflate_code_for_lz_length: constant array(Length_range) of Natural:=
    (  3  => 257,          -- Codes 257..264, with no extra bit
       4  => 258,
       5  => 259,
       6  => 260,
       7  => 261,
       8  => 262,
       9  => 263,
       10 => 264,
       11  .. 12  => 265,  -- Codes 265..268, with 1 extra bit
       13  .. 14  => 266,
       15  .. 16  => 267,
       17  .. 18  => 268,
       19  .. 22  => 269,  -- Codes 269..272, with 2 extra bits
       23  .. 26  => 270,
       27  .. 30  => 271,
       31  .. 34  => 272,
       35  .. 42  => 273,  -- Codes 273..276, with 3 extra bits
       43  .. 50  => 274,
       51  .. 58  => 275,
       59  .. 66  => 276,
       67  .. 82  => 277,  -- Codes 277..280, with 4 extra bits
       83  .. 98  => 278,
       99  .. 114 => 279,
       115 .. 130 => 280,
       131 .. 162 => 281,  -- Codes 281..284, with 5 extra bits
       163 .. 194 => 282,
       195 .. 226 => 283,
       227 .. 257 => 284,
       258 => 285          -- Code 285, with no extra bit

  extra_bits_for_lz_length_offset: constant array(Length_range) of Integer:=
    (3..10 | 258 => invalid,  --  just placeholder, there is no extra bit there!
     11..18      => 11,
     19..34      => 19,
     35..66      => 35,
     67..130     => 67,
     131..257    => 131);

  extra_bits_for_lz_length: constant array(Length_range) of Natural:=
    (3..10 | 258 => 0,
     11..18      => 1,
     19..34      => 2,
     35..66      => 3,
     67..130     => 4,
     131..257    => 5);

  procedure Put_DL_code( distance: Distance_range; length: Length_range ) is
    extra_bits: Natural;
    --  Extra bits are needed to differentiate lengths sharing the same code.
    extra_bits:= extra_bits_for_lz_length(length);
    if extra_bits > 0 then
      --  We keep only the last extra_bits bits of the length (minus given offset).
      --  Example: if extra_bits = 1, only the parity is sent (0 or 1);
      --  the rest has been already sent with Put_Huffman_code above.
      --  Equivalent: x:= x mod (2 ** extra_bits);
        U32(length - extra_bits_for_lz_length_offset(length))
        (Shift_Left(U32'(1), extra_bits) - 1),
    end if;
    --                            Distance Codes
    --                            --------------
    --      Extra           Extra             Extra               Extra
    -- Code Bits Dist  Code Bits  Dist   Code Bits Distance  Code Bits Distance
    -- ---- ---- ----  ---- ---- ------  ---- ---- --------  ---- ---- --------
    --   0   0    1      8   3   17-24    16    7  257-384    24   11  4097-6144
    --   1   0    2      9   3   25-32    17    7  385-512    25   11  6145-8192
    --   2   0    3     10   4   33-48    18    8  513-768    26   12  8193-12288
    --   3   0    4     11   4   49-64    19    8  769-1024   27   12 12289-16384
    --   4   1   5,6    12   5   65-96    20    9 1025-1536   28   13 16385-24576
    --   5   1   7,8    13   5   97-128   21    9 1537-2048   29   13 24577-32768
    --   6   2   9-12   14   6  129-192   22   10 2049-3072
    --   7   2  13-16   15   6  193-256   23   10 3073-4096
    --  Example: the code # 10 means the LZ distance (# positions back in the circular
    --           message buffer for starting the copy) shall be 33, plus the value given
    --           by the 4 extra bits (between 0 and 15).
    case distance is
      when 1..4 => -- Codes 0..3, with no extra bit
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis(distance-1) );
      when 5..8 => -- Codes 4..5, with 1 extra bit
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 4 + (distance-5) / 2 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-5) mod 2), 1 );
      when 9..16 => -- Codes 6..7, with 2 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 6 + (distance-9) / 4 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-9) mod 4), 2 );
      when 17..32 => -- Codes 8..9, with 3 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 8 + (distance-17) / 8 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-17) mod 8), 3 );
      when 33..64 => -- Codes 10..11, with 4 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 10 + (distance-33) / 16 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-33) mod 16), 4 );
      when 65..128 => -- Codes 12..13, with 5 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 12 + (distance-65) / 32 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-65) mod 32), 5 );
      when 129..256 => -- Codes 14..15, with 6 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 14 + (distance-129) / 64 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-129) mod 64), 6 );
      when 257..512 => -- Codes 16..17, with 7 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 16 + (distance-257) / 128 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-257) mod 128), 7 );
      when 513..1024 => -- Codes 18..19, with 8 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 18 + (distance-513) / 256 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-513) mod 256), 8 );
      when 1025..2048 => -- Codes 20..21, with 9 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 20 + (distance-1025) / 512 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-1025) mod 512), 9 );
      when 2049..4096 => -- Codes 22..23, with 10 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 22 + (distance-2049) / 1024 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-2049) mod 1024), 10 );
      when 4097..8192 => -- Codes 24..25, with 11 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 24 + (distance-4097) / 2048 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-4097) mod 2048), 11 );
      when 8193..16384 => -- Codes 26..27, with 12 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 26 + (distance-8193) / 4096 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-8193) mod 4096), 12 );
      when 16385..32768 => -- Codes 28..29, with 13 extra bits
        Put_Huffman_code( curr_descr.dis( 28 + (distance-16385) / 8192 ) );
        Put_code( U32((distance-16385) mod 8192), 13 );
    end case;
  end Put_DL_code;

  function Deflate_code_for_LZ_distance(distance: Distance_range) return Natural is
    case distance is
      when 1..4 => -- Codes 0..3, with no extra bit
        return distance-1 ;
      when 5..8 => -- Codes 4..5, with 1 extra bit
        return  4 + (distance-5) / 2  ;
      when 9..16 => -- Codes 6..7, with 2 extra bits
        return  6 + (distance-9) / 4  ;
      when 17..32 => -- Codes 8..9, with 3 extra bits
        return  8 + (distance-17) / 8  ;
      when 33..64 => -- Codes 10..11, with 4 extra bits
        return  10 + (distance-33) / 16  ;
      when 65..128 => -- Codes 12..13, with 5 extra bits
        return  12 + (distance-65) / 32  ;
      when 129..256 => -- Codes 14..15, with 6 extra bits
        return  14 + (distance-129) / 64  ;
      when 257..512 => -- Codes 16..17, with 7 extra bits
        return  16 + (distance-257) / 128  ;
      when 513..1024 => -- Codes 18..19, with 8 extra bits
        return  18 + (distance-513) / 256  ;
      when 1025..2048 => -- Codes 20..21, with 9 extra bits
        return  20 + (distance-1025) / 512  ;
      when 2049..4096 => -- Codes 22..23, with 10 extra bits
        return  22 + (distance-2049) / 1024  ;
      when 4097..8192 => -- Codes 24..25, with 11 extra bits
        return  24 + (distance-4097) / 2048  ;
      when 8193..16384 => -- Codes 26..27, with 12 extra bits
        return  26 + (distance-8193) / 4096  ;
      when 16385..32768 => -- Codes 28..29, with 13 extra bits
        return  28 + (distance-16385) / 8192  ;
    end case;
  end Deflate_code_for_LZ_distance;

  --  LZ Buffer  --

  --  We buffer the LZ codes (plain, or distance/length) in order to
  --  analyse them and try to do smart things.

  max_expand: constant:= 14;  --  *Tuned* Sometimes it is better to store data and expand short strings
  code_for_max_expand: constant:= 266;
  subtype Expanded_data is Byte_Buffer(1..max_expand);

  type LZ_atom_kind is (plain_byte, distance_length);
  type LZ_atom is record
    kind          : LZ_atom_kind;
    plain         : Byte;
    lz_distance   : Natural;
    lz_length     : Natural;
    lz_expanded   : Expanded_data;
  end record;

  -- *Tuned*. Min: 2**14, = 16384 (min half buffer 8192)
  -- Optimal so far: 2**17
  LZ_buffer_size: constant:= 2**17;
  type LZ_buffer_index_type is mod LZ_buffer_size;
  type LZ_buffer_type is array (LZ_buffer_index_type range <>) of LZ_atom;

  empty_lit_len_stat: constant Stats_lit_len_type:= (End_Of_Block => 1, others => 0);
  --  End_Of_Block will have to happen once, but never appears in the LZ statistics...
  empty_dis_stat: constant Stats_dis_type:= (others => 0);

  --  Compute statistics for both Literal-length, and Distance alphabets, from a LZ buffer
  procedure Get_statistics(
    lzb           :  in LZ_buffer_type;
    stats_lit_len : out Stats_lit_len_type;
    stats_dis     : out Stats_dis_type
    lit_len : Alphabet_lit_len;
    dis     : Alphabet_dis;
    stats_lit_len := empty_lit_len_stat;
    stats_dis     := empty_dis_stat;
    for i in lzb'Range loop
      case lzb(i).kind is
        when plain_byte =>
          lit_len:= Alphabet_lit_len(lzb(i).plain);
          stats_lit_len(lit_len):= stats_lit_len(lit_len) + 1;        --  +1 for this literal
        when distance_length =>
          lit_len:= deflate_code_for_lz_length(lzb(i).lz_length);
          stats_lit_len(lit_len):= stats_lit_len(lit_len) + 1;        --  +1 for this length code
          dis:= Deflate_code_for_LZ_distance(lzb(i).lz_distance);
          stats_dis(dis):= stats_dis(dis) + 1;                        --  +1 for this distance code
      end case;
    end loop;
  end Get_statistics;

  --  Send a LZ buffer using currently defined Huffman codes
  procedure Put_LZ_buffer(lzb: LZ_buffer_type) is
    for i in lzb'Range loop
      case lzb(i).kind is
        when plain_byte =>
        when distance_length =>
          Put_DL_code(lzb(i).lz_distance, lzb(i).lz_length);
      end case;
    end loop;
  end Put_LZ_buffer;

  block_to_finish: Boolean:= False;
  last_block_marked: Boolean:= False;
  type Block_type is (stored, fixed, dynamic, reserved);  --  Appnote, 5.5.2
  --  If last_block_type = dynamic, we may recycle previous block's Huffman codes
  last_block_type: Block_type:= reserved;

  procedure Mark_new_block(last_block_for_stream: Boolean) is
    if block_to_finish and last_block_type in fixed .. dynamic then
      Put_Huffman_code(curr_descr.lit_len(End_Of_Block));  --  Finish previous block
    end if;
    block_to_finish:= True;
    Put_code(code => Boolean'Pos(last_block_for_stream), code_size => 1);
    last_block_marked:= last_block_for_stream;
  end Mark_new_block;

  --  Send a LZ buffer completely decoded as literals (LZ compression is discarded)
  procedure Expand_LZ_buffer(lzb: LZ_buffer_type; last_block: Boolean) is
    b1, b2: Byte;
    to_be_sent: Natural_M32:= 0;
    --  to_be_sent is not always equal to lzb'Length: sometimes you have a DL code
    mid: LZ_buffer_index_type;
    for i in lzb'Range loop
      case lzb(i).kind is
        when plain_byte =>
          to_be_sent:= to_be_sent + 1;
        when distance_length =>
          to_be_sent:= to_be_sent + Natural_M32(lzb(i).lz_length);
      end case;
    end loop;
    if to_be_sent > 16#FFFF# then  --  Ow, cannot send all that in one chunk.
      --  Instead of a tedious block splitting, just divide and conquer:
      mid:= LZ_buffer_index_type((Natural_M32(lzb'First) + Natural_M32(lzb'Last)) / 2);
      if trace then
          "Expand_LZ_buffer: splitting large stored block: " &
          LZ_buffer_index_type'Image(lzb'First) &
          LZ_buffer_index_type'Image(mid) &
      end if;
      Expand_LZ_buffer(lzb(lzb'First .. mid     ), last_block => False);
      Expand_LZ_buffer(lzb(mid + 1   .. lzb'Last), last_block => last_block);
    end if;
    if trace then
      Put_Line(log, "Expand_LZ_buffer: sending" & Natural_M32'Image(to_be_sent) & " 'plain' bytes");
    end if;
    b1:= Byte(to_be_sent mod 256);
    b2:= Byte(to_be_sent  /  256);
    Mark_new_block(last_block_for_stream => last_block);
    last_block_type:= stored;
    Put_code(code => 0, code_size => 2);  --  Signals a "stored" block
    Flush_bit_buffer;  --  Go to byte boundary
    Put_byte(not b1);
    Put_byte(not b2);
    for i in lzb'Range loop
      case lzb(i).kind is
        when plain_byte =>
        when distance_length =>
          for j in 1 .. lzb(i).lz_length loop
            Put_byte( lzb(i).lz_expanded(j) );
          end loop;
      end case;
    end loop;
  end Expand_LZ_buffer;

  --  Extra bits that need to be sent after various Deflate codes

  extra_bits_for_lz_length_code: constant array(257 .. 285) of Natural:=
    ( 257 .. 264 => 0,
      265 .. 268 => 1,
      269 .. 272 => 2,
      273 .. 276 => 3,
      277 .. 280 => 4,
      281 .. 284 => 5,
      285        => 0

  extra_bits_for_lz_distance_code: constant array(0 .. 29) of Natural:=
    ( 0 ..  3 =>  0,
      4 ..  5 =>  1,
      6 ..  7 =>  2,
      8 ..  9 =>  3,
     10 .. 11 =>  4,
     12 .. 13 =>  5,
     14 .. 15 =>  6,
     16 .. 17 =>  7,
     18 .. 19 =>  8,
     20 .. 21 =>  9,
     22 .. 23 => 10,
     24 .. 25 => 11,
     26 .. 27 => 12,
     28 .. 29 => 13

  subtype Long_length_codes is
    Alphabet_lit_len range code_for_max_expand+1 .. Alphabet_lit_len'Last;
  zero_bl_long_lengths: constant Stats_type(Long_length_codes):= (others => 0);

  --  Send_as_block.
  --  lzb (can be a slice of the principal buffer) will be sent as:
  --        * a new "dynamic" block, preceded by a compression structure header
  --    or  * the continuation of previous "dynamic" block
  --    or  * a new "fixed" block, if lz data's Huffman descriptor is close enough to "fixed"
  --    or  * a new "stored" block, if lz data are too random

  procedure Send_as_block(lzb: LZ_buffer_type; last_block: Boolean) is
    new_descr, new_descr_2: Deflate_Huff_descriptors;
    procedure Send_fixed_block is
      if last_block_type = fixed then
        --  Cool, we don't need to mark a block boundary: the Huffman codes are already
        --  the expected ones. We can just continue sending the LZ atoms.
        Mark_new_block(last_block_for_stream => last_block);
        curr_descr:= Deflate_fixed_descriptors;
        Put_code(code => 1, code_size => 2);  --  Signals a "fixed" block
        last_block_type:= fixed;
      end if;
    end Send_fixed_block;
    stats_lit_len, stats_lit_len_2: Stats_lit_len_type;
    stats_dis, stats_dis_2: Stats_dis_type;
    procedure Send_dynamic_block(dyn: Deflate_Huff_descriptors) is
      dummy: Count_type:= 0;
      Mark_new_block(last_block_for_stream => last_block);
      curr_descr:= Prepare_Huffman_codes(dyn);
      Put_code(code => 2, code_size => 2);  --  Signals a "dynamic" block
      Put_compression_structure(curr_descr, cost_analysis => False, bits => dummy);
      last_block_type:= dynamic;
    end Send_dynamic_block;
    recycled_format_bits: Count_type:= 0;
    stored_format_possible: Boolean;
    recycling_possible: Boolean;  --  Can we recycle current Huffman codes ?
    procedure Compute_sizes_of_variants is
      c     : Count_type;
      extra : Natural;
      --  We count bits taken by literals, for each block format variant.
      for i in 0 .. 255 loop
        c:= stats_lit_len(i);  --  This literal appears c times in the LZ buffer
        stored_format_bits    := stored_format_bits    + 8 * c;
        fixed_format_bits     := fixed_format_bits     + Count_type(default_lit_len_bl(i)) * c;
        dynamic_format_bits   := dynamic_format_bits   + Count_type(new_descr.lit_len(i).bit_length) * c;
        dynamic_format_bits_2 := dynamic_format_bits_2 + Count_type(new_descr_2.lit_len(i).bit_length) * c;
        recycled_format_bits  := recycled_format_bits  + Count_type(curr_descr.lit_len(i).bit_length) * c;
      end loop;
      --  We count bits taken by DL codes.
      if stored_format_possible then
        for i in lzb'Range loop
          case lzb(i).kind is
            when plain_byte =>
              null;  --  Already counted
            when distance_length =>
               --  In the stored format, DL codes are expanded
              stored_format_bits:= stored_format_bits + 8 * Count_type(lzb(i).lz_length);
          end case;
        end loop;
      end if;
      --  For compressed formats, count Huffman bits and extra bits
      for i in 257 .. 285 loop
        c:= stats_lit_len(i);  --  This length code appears c times in the LZ buffer
        extra:= extra_bits_for_lz_length_code(i);
        fixed_format_bits     := fixed_format_bits     + Count_type(default_lit_len_bl(i) + extra) * c;
        dynamic_format_bits   := dynamic_format_bits   + Count_type(new_descr.lit_len(i).bit_length + extra) * c;
        dynamic_format_bits_2 := dynamic_format_bits_2 + Count_type(new_descr_2.lit_len(i).bit_length + extra) * c;
        recycled_format_bits  := recycled_format_bits  + Count_type(curr_descr.lit_len(i).bit_length + extra) * c;
      end loop;
      for i in 0 .. 29 loop
        c:= stats_dis(i);  --  This distance code appears c times in the LZ buffer
        extra:= extra_bits_for_lz_distance_code(i);
        fixed_format_bits     := fixed_format_bits     + Count_type(default_dis_bl(i) + extra) * c;
        dynamic_format_bits   := dynamic_format_bits   + Count_type(new_descr.dis(i).bit_length + extra) * c;
        dynamic_format_bits_2 := dynamic_format_bits_2 + Count_type(new_descr_2.dis(i).bit_length + extra) * c;
        recycled_format_bits  := recycled_format_bits  + Count_type(curr_descr.dis(i).bit_length + extra) * c;
      end loop;
      --  Supplemental bits to be counted
      stored_format_bits:= stored_format_bits +
        (1 + (stored_format_bits / 8) / 65_535)  --  Number of stored blocks needed
        * 5  -- 5 bytes per header
        * 8; -- ... converted into bits
      c:= 1;  --  Is-last-block flag
      if block_to_finish and last_block_type in fixed .. dynamic then
        c:= c + Count_type(curr_descr.lit_len(End_Of_Block).bit_length);
      end if;
      stored_format_bits    := stored_format_bits + c;
      fixed_format_bits     := fixed_format_bits + c + 2;
      dynamic_format_bits   := dynamic_format_bits + c + 2;
      dynamic_format_bits_2 := dynamic_format_bits_2 + c + 2;
      Put_compression_structure(new_descr,   cost_analysis => True, bits => dynamic_format_bits);
      Put_compression_structure(new_descr_2, cost_analysis => True, bits => dynamic_format_bits_2);
    end Compute_sizes_of_variants;
    optimal_format_bits: Count_type;
    Get_statistics(lzb, stats_lit_len, stats_dis);
    new_descr:= Build_descriptors(stats_lit_len, stats_dis);
    stats_lit_len_2:= stats_lit_len;
    stats_dis_2:= stats_dis;
    new_descr_2:= Build_descriptors(stats_lit_len_2, stats_dis_2);
    --  For "stored" block format, prevent expansion of DL codes with length > max_expand.
    --  We check stats are all 0 for long length codes:
    stored_format_possible:= stats_lit_len(Long_length_codes) = zero_bl_long_lengths;
      last_block_type = fixed  --  The "fixed" alphabets use all symbols, then always recyclable.
        or else
      (last_block_type = dynamic and then Recyclable(curr_descr, new_descr));
    if not stored_format_possible then
      stored_format_bits:= Count_type'Last;
    end if;
    if not recycling_possible then
      recycled_format_bits:= Count_type'Last;
    end if;
    optimal_format_bits:= Count_type'Min(
      Count_type'Min(stored_format_bits, fixed_format_bits),
        Count_type'Min(dynamic_format_bits, dynamic_format_bits_2),
    --  Selection of the block format with smallest size.
    if fixed_format_bits = optimal_format_bits then
      if trace then
        Put_Line(log, "### New ""fixed"" block");
      end if;
    elsif dynamic_format_bits = optimal_format_bits then
      if trace then
        Put_Line(log, "### New ""dynamic"" block with compression structure header");
      end if;
    elsif dynamic_format_bits_2 = optimal_format_bits then
      if trace then
        Put_Line(log, "### New ""dynamic"" block, RLE-tweaked, with compression structure header");
      end if;
    elsif recycled_format_bits = optimal_format_bits then
      if trace then
        Put_Line(log, "### Recycle: continue using existing Huffman compression structures");
      end if;
    else  --  We have stored_format_bits = optimal_format_bits
      if trace then
        Put_Line(log, "### Too random - use ""stored"" block");
      end if;
      Expand_LZ_buffer(lzb, last_block);
    end if;
  end Send_as_block;

  subtype Full_range_LZ_buffer_type is LZ_buffer_type(LZ_buffer_index_type);
  type p_Full_range_LZ_buffer_type is access Full_range_LZ_buffer_type;
  procedure Dispose is
    new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation(Full_range_LZ_buffer_type, p_Full_range_LZ_buffer_type);

  --  This is the main, big, fat, circular buffer containing LZ codes,
  --  each LZ code being a literal or a DL code.
  --  Heap allocation is needed because default stack is too small on some targets.
  lz_buffer: p_Full_range_LZ_buffer_type;
  lz_buffer_index: LZ_buffer_index_type:= 0;
  past_lz_data: Boolean:= False;
  --  When True: some LZ_buffer_size data before lz_buffer_index (modulo!) are real, past data

  --  Scanning and sampling: the really sexy part of the Taillaule algorithm...  --

  --  We examine similarities in the LZ data flow at different step sizes.
  --  If the optimal Huffman encoding for this portion is very different, we choose to
  --  cut current block and start a new one. The shorter the step, the higher the threshold
  --  for starting a dynamic block, since the compression header is taking some room each time.

  --  *Tuned* (a bit...)
  min_step: constant:= 750;

  type Step_threshold_metric is record
    slider_step       : LZ_buffer_index_type;  --  Should be a multiple of min_step.
    cutting_threshold : Positive;
    metric            : Distance_type;
  end record;

  --  *Tuned* thresholds
  step_choice: constant array(Positive range <>) of Step_threshold_metric:=
    ( ( 8 * min_step,  465, L1),  --  Deflate_1, Deflate_2, Deflate_3
      ( 4 * min_step,  470, L1),  --             Deflate_2, Deflate_3
      ( 2 * min_step, 2300, L1),  --                        Deflate_3
      (     min_step, 2400, L1)   --                        Deflate_3

  max_choice: constant array(Taillaule_Deflation_Method) of Positive:=
    (Deflate_1 => 1, Deflate_2 => 2, Deflate_3 => step_choice'Last);

  slider_size: constant:= 4096;
  half_slider_size: constant:= slider_size / 2;
  slider_max: constant:= slider_size - 1;

  --  Phases (A) and (B) are done in a single function: we get Huffman
  --  descriptors that should be good for encoding a given sequence of LZ atoms.
  function Build_descriptors(lzb: LZ_buffer_type) return Deflate_Huff_descriptors is
    stats_lit_len : Stats_lit_len_type;
    stats_dis     : Stats_dis_type;
    Get_statistics(lzb, stats_lit_len, stats_dis);
    return Build_descriptors(stats_lit_len, stats_dis);
  end Build_descriptors;

  procedure Scan_and_send_from_main_buffer(from, to: LZ_buffer_index_type; last_flush: Boolean) is
    --  The following descriptors are *not* used for compressing, but for detecting similarities.
    initial_hd, sliding_hd: Deflate_Huff_descriptors;
    start, slide_mid, send_from: LZ_buffer_index_type;
    sliding_hd_computed: Boolean;
    if to-from < slider_max then
      Send_as_block(lz_buffer(, last_flush);
    end if;
    -- For further comments: n := LZ_buffer_size
    if past_lz_data then  --  We have n / 2 previous data before 'from'.
      start:= from - LZ_buffer_index_type(half_slider_size);
      start:= from;  --  Cannot have past data
    end if;
    if start > from then  --  Looped over, (mod n). Slider data are in two chunks in main buffer
      --  put_line(from'img & to'img & start'img);
        copy_from: LZ_buffer_index_type:= start;
        copy: LZ_buffer_type(0..slider_max);
        for i in copy'Range loop
          copy(i):= lz_buffer(copy_from);
          copy_from:= copy_from + 1;  --  Loops over (mod n)
        end loop;
        initial_hd:= Build_descriptors(copy);
      --  Concatenation instead of above loop bombs with a Range Check error:
      --  lz_buffer(start .. lz_buffer'Last) &
      --  lz_buffer(0 .. start + LZ_buffer_index_type(slider_max))
      initial_hd:= Build_descriptors(lz_buffer(start .. start + slider_max));
    end if;
    send_from:= from;
    slide_mid:= from + min_step;
    while Integer_M32(slide_mid) + half_slider_size < Integer_M32(to) loop
      exit Scan_LZ_data when deactivate_scanning;
      sliding_hd_computed:= False;
      for level in step_choice'Range loop
        exit Browse_step_level when level > max_choice(method);
        if (slide_mid - from) mod step_choice(level).slider_step = 0 then
          if not sliding_hd_computed then
            sliding_hd:= Build_descriptors(lz_buffer(slide_mid - half_slider_size .. slide_mid + half_slider_size));
            sliding_hd_computed:= True;
          end if;
          if not Similar(
            "Compare sliding to initial (step size=" &
            LZ_buffer_index_type'Image(step_choice(level).slider_step) & ')'
            if trace then
                "### Cutting @ " & LZ_buffer_index_type'Image(slide_mid) &
                "  ('from' is" & LZ_buffer_index_type'Image(from) &
                ", 'to' is" & LZ_buffer_index_type'Image(to) & ')'
            end if;
            Send_as_block(lz_buffer(send_from .. slide_mid-1), last_block => False);
            send_from:= slide_mid;
            initial_hd:= sliding_hd;  --  Reset reference descriptor for further comparisons
            exit Browse_step_level;  --  Cutting once at a given place is enough :-)
          end if;
        end if;
      end loop Browse_step_level;
      --  Exit before an eventual increment of slide_mid that would loop over (mod n).
      exit Scan_LZ_data when Integer_M32(slide_mid) + min_step + half_slider_size >= Integer_M32(to);
      slide_mid:= slide_mid + min_step;
    end loop Scan_LZ_data;
    --  Send last block for slice from .. to.
    if send_from <= to then
      Send_as_block(lz_buffer(send_from .. to), last_block => last_flush);
    end if;
  end Scan_and_send_from_main_buffer;

  procedure Flush_half_buffer(last_flush: Boolean) is
    last_idx: constant LZ_buffer_index_type:= lz_buffer_index-1;
    n_div_2: constant:= LZ_buffer_size / 2;
    if last_idx < n_div_2 then
      Scan_and_send_from_main_buffer(0, last_idx, last_flush);        -- 1st half
      Scan_and_send_from_main_buffer(n_div_2, last_idx, last_flush);  -- 2nd half
    end if;
    --  From this point, all further calls to Flush_half_buffer will
    --  have n_div_2 elements of past data.
    past_lz_data:= True;
  end Flush_half_buffer;

  procedure Push(a: LZ_atom) is
  pragma Inline(Push);
    lz_buffer(lz_buffer_index):= a;
    lz_buffer_index:= lz_buffer_index + 1;  --  becomes 0 when reaching LZ_buffer_size (modular)
    if lz_buffer_index * 2 = 0 then
      Flush_half_buffer(last_flush => False);
    end if;
  end Push;

  procedure Put_or_delay_literal_byte( b: Byte ) is
  pragma Inline(Put_or_delay_literal_byte);
    case method is
      when Deflate_Fixed =>
        Put_literal_byte(b);  --  Buffering is not needed in this mode
      when Taillaule_Deflation_Method =>
        Push((plain_byte, b, 0, 0, (b, others => 0)));
    end case;
  end Put_or_delay_literal_byte;

  procedure Put_or_delay_DL_code( distance, length: Integer; expand: Expanded_data) is
  pragma Inline(Put_or_delay_DL_code);
    case method is
      when Deflate_Fixed =>
        Put_DL_code(distance, length);  --  Buffering is not needed in this mode
      when Taillaule_Deflation_Method =>
        Push((distance_length, 0, distance, length, expand));
    end case;
  end Put_or_delay_DL_code;

  -- LZ77 front-end compression --

  procedure Encode is

    X_Percent: Natural;
    Bytes_in   : Natural;   --  Count of input file bytes processed
    user_aborting: Boolean;
    PctDone: Natural;

    function Read_byte return Byte is
      b: Byte;
      b:= InBuf(InBufIdx);
      InBufIdx:= InBufIdx + 1;
      Zip.CRC_Crypto.Update(CRC, (1=> b));
      Bytes_in:= Bytes_in + 1;
      if feedback /= null then
        if Bytes_in = 1 then
          feedback(0, False, user_aborting);
        end if;
        if X_Percent > 0 and then
           ((Bytes_in-1) mod X_Percent = 0
            or Bytes_in = Integer(input_size))
          if input_size_known then
            PctDone := Integer( (100.0 * Float( Bytes_in)) / Float(input_size));
            feedback(PctDone, False, user_aborting);
            feedback(0, False, user_aborting);
          end if;
          if user_aborting then
            raise User_abort;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
      return b;
    end Read_byte;

    function More_bytes return Boolean is
      if InBufIdx > MaxInBufIdx then
      end if;
      return not InputEoF;
    end More_bytes;

    -- LZ77 parameters
    Look_Ahead         : constant Integer:= 258;
    String_buffer_size : constant := 2**15;  --  Required: 2**15 for Deflate, 2**16 for Deflate_e
    type Text_buffer_index is mod String_buffer_size;
    type Text_buffer is array ( Text_buffer_index ) of Byte;
    Text_Buf: Text_buffer;
    R: Text_buffer_index;

    --  If the DLE coding doesn't fit the format constraints, we need
    --  to decode it as a simple sequence of literals. The buffer used is
    --  called "Text" buffer by reference to "clear-text", but actually it
    --  is any binary data.

    procedure LZ77_emits_DL_code( distance, length: Integer ) is
      --  NB: no worry, all arithmetics in Text_buffer_index are modulo String_buffer_size.
      b: Byte;
      copy_start: Text_buffer_index;
      expand: Expanded_data;
      ie: Positive:= 1;
      if distance = String_buffer_size then  --  Happens with 7-Zip, cannot happen with Info-Zip.
        copy_start:= R;
        copy_start:= R - Text_buffer_index(distance);
      end if;
      --  Expand into the circular text buffer to have it up to date
      for K in 0..Text_buffer_index(length-1) loop
        b:= Text_Buf(copy_start + K);
        Text_Buf(R):= b;
        R:= R + 1;
        if ie <= max_expand then  --  Also memorize short sequences for LZ buffer
          expand(ie):= b;         --  for the case a block needs to be stored in clear.
          ie:= ie + 1;
        end if;
      end loop;
      if distance in Distance_range and length in Length_range then
        Put_or_delay_DL_code(distance, length, expand);
        if trace then
            "<> Too bad, cannot encode this distance-length pair, " &
            "then we have to expand to output (dist = " & Integer'Image(distance) &
            " len=" & Integer'Image(length) & ")"
        end if;
        for K in 0..Text_buffer_index(length-1) loop
          Put_or_delay_literal_byte( Text_Buf(copy_start + K) );
        end loop;
      end if;
    end LZ77_emits_DL_code;

    procedure LZ77_emits_literal_byte( b: Byte ) is
      Text_Buf(R):= b;
      R:= R + 1;
    end LZ77_emits_literal_byte;

    LZ77_choice: constant array(Deflation_Method) of LZ77.Method_Type:=
      (Deflate_Fixed  => LZ77.IZ_4,
       Deflate_1      => LZ77.IZ_6,  --  level 6 is the default in Info-Zip's zip.exe
       Deflate_2      => LZ77.IZ_8,
       Deflate_3      => LZ77.IZ_10);

    procedure My_LZ77 is
      new LZ77.Encode
        ( String_buffer_size => String_buffer_size,
          Look_Ahead         => Look_Ahead,
          Threshold          => 2,  --  From a string match length > 2, a DL code is sent
          Method             => LZ77_choice(method),
          Read_byte          => Read_byte,
          More_bytes         => More_bytes,
          Write_literal      => LZ77_emits_literal_byte,
          Write_DL_code      => LZ77_emits_DL_code

    --  The following is for research purposes: compare different LZ77 variants and see
    --  how well they combine with the rest of our Deflate algorithm above.

    procedure Read_LZ77_codes is
      LZ77_dump : File_Type;
      tag: String(1..3);
      wrong_LZ77_tag: exception;
      a, b: Integer;
      dummy: Byte;
      --  Pretend we compress given file (compute CRC, consume entire stream).
      while More_bytes loop
        dummy:= Read_byte;
      end loop;
      --  Now deflate using dumped LZ77 data.
      Open(LZ77_dump, In_File, "dump.lz77");  --  File from UnZip.Decompress, some_trace mode
      while not End_Of_File(LZ77_dump) loop
        Get(LZ77_dump, tag);
        if tag = "Lit" then
          Get(LZ77_dump, a);
        elsif tag = "DLE" then
          Get(LZ77_dump, a);
          Get(LZ77_dump, b);
          LZ77_emits_DL_code(a, b);
          raise wrong_LZ77_tag;
        end if;
      end loop;
    end Read_LZ77_codes;

  begin  --  Encode
    R:= Text_buffer_index(String_buffer_size - Look_Ahead);
    Bytes_in := 0;
    if input_size_known then
      X_Percent := Integer(input_size / 40);
      X_Percent := 0;
    end if;
    case method is
      when Deflate_Fixed =>  --  "Fixed" (predefined) compression structure
        --  We have only one compressed data block, then it is already the last one.
        Put_code(code => 1, code_size => 1);  --  Signals last block
        Put_code(code => 1, code_size => 2);  --  Signals a "fixed" block
      when Taillaule_Deflation_Method =>
        null;  --  No start data sent, all is delayed
    end case;
    if bypass_LZ77 then
      Read_LZ77_codes;  --  Apply our scanning algo on a LZ77 stream made by a third-party tool.
      --  The whole compression is happening in the following line: --
    end if;
    --  Done. Send the code signaling the end of compressed data block:
    case method is
      when Deflate_Fixed =>
      when Taillaule_Deflation_Method =>
        if lz_buffer_index * 2 = 0 then  --  Already flushed at latest Push, or empty data
          if block_to_finish and then last_block_type in fixed .. dynamic then
          end if;
          Flush_half_buffer(last_flush => True);
          if last_block_type in fixed .. dynamic then
          end if;
        end if;
        if not last_block_marked then
          --  Add a fake fixed block, just to have a final block...
          Put_code(code => 1, code_size => 1);  --  Signals last block
          Put_code(code => 1, code_size => 2);  --  Signals a "fixed" block
          curr_descr:= Deflate_fixed_descriptors;
        end if;
    end case;
  end Encode;

  if trace then
      Open(log, Append_File, log_name);
      when Name_Error =>
        Create(log, Out_File, log_name);
    Put(log, "New stream" & sep & sep & sep & sep & sep & sep & sep & sep);
    if input_size_known then
      Put(log, sep & File_size_type'Image(input_size) &
               sep & sep & sep & sep & sep & sep & "bytes input");
    end if;
  end if;
  --  Allocate input and output buffers ...
  if input_size_known then
    InBuf:= new Byte_Buffer
      (1..Integer'Min(Integer'Max(8, Integer(input_size)), buffer_size));
    InBuf := new Byte_Buffer (1 .. buffer_size);
  end if;
  OutBuf:= new Byte_Buffer(1..buffer_size);
  output_size:= 0;
  lz_buffer:= new Full_range_LZ_buffer_type;
    compression_ok:= True;
    when Compression_inefficient =>  --  Escaped from Encode
      compression_ok:= False;
  Dispose (lz_buffer);
  Dispose_Buffer (InBuf);
  Dispose_Buffer (OutBuf);
  if trace then
  end if;
end Zip.Compress.Deflate;

Zip-Ada: Ada library for zip archive files (.zip). Ada programming.
Some news about Zip-Ada and other related Ada projects on Gautier's blog.